Year 3/4 Bulletin

Fluency Game


Students play the same fluency game throughout the week, prior to the lesson beginning. The fluency game takes between 7 and 12 minutes to complete, and utilises some skills that students will be implementing during their learning of “positioning and locating”. This week’s fluency game focused on directional language, moving into more challenging Compass based directional language. 

Above is an informal map of a Zoo. In the top right hand corner, students are given a Compass. Presented with a beginning point and an ending point, students are asked to use formal directional language to get to an animal enclosure. 


Enabling: Using the informal “left, right, forwards, backwards.”


Explore: Using the informal “left, right, forwards, backwards,” experimenting with directional language on a Compass (north, south, east, west). 


Extending: Using formal directional language using the Compass (north, south, east, west) in order to orient oneself. 


Task: Calculating Distance


Learning intention: To explore strategies in order to accurately calculate distance. 


In the example above, Allira has identified that a signpost can display information about how far away places can be. Modelling the distance between two locations, this helps students understand how far something can be from one point to another. 


Continuing the learning at home


Students have been discussing the importance of using correct ordinal directional language as part of our Positioning and Locating unit for maths. Using the Compass app on your phone, have conversations about the directions of things with your child at home. 


A task that we have done in class (which can also be done at home) is a play on the “warmer… colder” verbal communication game. You can pick out an item in your household, and direct your child to the item using only positional language (North, South, East, West, left, right, above, below, etc.)


Examples of student work


Dear Parents and Carers,


As previously mentioned to 34A and by Mrs Cukier at Tuesday’s assembly, Allira will be going on Long Service leave from Friday the 21st of July, to Friday 18th of August. The class will be in the very capable hands of Chelsea. She has been appointed as the teacher for the duration of the leave. Chelsea has already come in and introduced herself to 34A, where all students wrote her a letter about themselves and had a quick Q&A with Chelsea. She is very excited to be teaching at our school. If you see her out in the yard, before or after school, please feel free to say hi.


Gardening clothing reminder


On Thursdays, the grade 3/4 students work in the garden with Clare and Ariel as part of the Kitchen Garden program. As we know with Melbourne’s weather, it can sometimes be inclement or unpredictable. Please send your child on Thursdays dressed appropriately for being outside in the garden in the morning, with a rain jacket or an extra layer of warmth. This ensures children are as focused and on task as possible, while remaining content and warm. Thank you!


Mr Cornell, Allira and Ruby

Year 3/4 Team