Book Week

From Alice, Sarah M and Gabi

Book week theme: Read, Grow, Inspire

Book Week is coming up on 19-25 August and the theme this year is “Read, Grow, Inspire” 


We will have our Dress Up day on Thursday 24 August. 


We will also be opening our classrooms to share some Book Week activities with families that will take place on Tuesday 22 August for one hour after school.


Dress Up Day Tips

A reminder that while we love Dress Up day, we want to make sure that it is stressless for everyone. Costumes can be as simple or as complex as you like. Some of our most incredible costumes have been the simplest. Check out our Year 2 Bad Guys dress ups from last year above.


Costumes can be bought, borrowed, re-worn, or handmade and can be from head to toe or just a prop or mask. The aim is to celebrate books and reading.


Keep an eye out for more information about our wonderful Book Week activities.