Year 3 News

Louis 3B, Johnson 3C, Lucas 3C, Des 3C

From Amanda, Year 3 teacher

Team Project Rockit

We have enjoyed catching up with students and hearing about holiday adventures - the memories have been great content for 'seeds' in our Writer's Workshop. 


We began the term with a visit from Team Project Rockit. The program that students participated in was ‘BELONG’, which ‘unites students to build inclusive school communities, with strategies and empathy to combat social exclusion and increase social awareness of diverse perspectives’.


The Big Idea of the session was: “each one of us matters, and we all have the power to make everyone feel like they belong” – a wonderful concept to begin the term with and reflect on the school values.

Leonardo of 3C on left and Felix on right from 3C (whole class shot of 3B and 3C at Project Rockit)
Group photo of 3B and 3C
Leonardo of 3C on left and Felix on right from 3C (whole class shot of 3B and 3C at Project Rockit)
Group photo of 3B and 3C