School Captain News 

SCHOOL CAPTAINS NEWS:   Welcome to our news for week 3. 


Hello to everyone this is our 24th newsletter, 17 more to go, the year has gone so fast already.  We hope you enjoy reading our page each week. If you have any suggestions on other things we can write about please let us know. 


Things happening in Week 4

  • Prep Incursion - Safety Squad on Monday
  • Essendon Footy Players coming to talk to the Year 6 students on Monday
  • Year 3’s are off to the Werribee Zoo on Tuesday 3C & 3D and Wednesday 3A & 3B.
  • Art Excursion on Tuesday for those selected.
  • Year 5A and 5B Hume Library Visit on Friday

Principal’s Day Australia - Friday 4th August


Next Friday the 4th of August is Principal’s Day Australia. We would like to acknowledge one of the most hardworking people at our school. Mr. McEntee has been at our school for so long now and the whole time he has done a lot of work like organising our newsletter piece and running our school without him there would be no OLPS. He has done a great job in making our school look good, with lots of new buildings, plants, a back oval and playgrounds. We thank him for all of these wonderful things that we get to enjoy. 



POEM of the week: For Our Preps 

We've been learning for a while. 

In fact, in 100 days we can spell, read and write. 

We can count in many ways. 

We've had fun and made good friends but it isn't over yet. 

Let’s keep it going, going, going, and see how smart we can get.


Looking 100 Years Old:

Here are 2 of our School Captains with their 2023 Prep Buddy - when they celebrated their 100 days of school back in 2017.

Matilda and Fadia 

Jesse and Anja


Nude Food Winners

We hope everyone has had a good week. We would like to tell you who the Nude Food winners are for this week: Prep B and Prep D, 1A and 1C, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5C and 6C. Congratulations to all these classes who have shown great progress. A quick reminder about the Year 5 & 6 status with Nude Food, we want you to try harder due to the amount of rubbish in your bins. 


The Wonder Recycling Program has been extended to the 14th of August, so keep in bringing in your bread bags from home. Thank you and have a leisurely weekend. 

Your Sustainability Captains!


Yard Slips 

This week’s winners are: 

Zoe from Prep C for being responsible and Raul from 2D for also being responsible.


Behaviour Bucks

Winners for Week 3 are: Prep B with 58 points and 5B with 49 points.


Interviewing Our Romero House Captains

Our Romero house captains Anthony and Milana have been working really hard and trying to find the best possible way to help our school with activities and things involving Physical Education. This is a little more about them.


-Favorite thing about being a Sports Captain: Helping Mr Whitty

-Food: Pasta and Pizza

-Colour: Red and Blue

-Sport: Soccer and AFL

-Subject: P.E.

-Song: Friday by Mufasa

-AFL Team: Richmond

-Soccer Team: Manchester United

-Athlete: Marcus Rashford

-Fave thing outside of school: Go shopping with my soccer mate.


-Favorite thing about being a Sports Captain: Playing Sport

-Food: Lasagne

-Colour: Red

-Sport: Tennis

-Subject: P.E.

-Song: Do It Again - World Cup Song

-AFL Team: North Melbourne

-Soccer Team: Manchester United

-Athlete: Raphael Nadal

-Fave thing outside of school: Play Tennis