‘Forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Jesus Christ’.

Dear OLPS Community,


Prep 100 Days of School Mass


This morning our Preps together with their Year 6 Buddies, celebrated their first 100 days of school with a special mass. This is a special moment in their life in their first year of schooling. Thank you to all involved and to all the parents that attended to celebrate.

May God Bless each and every one of them as they continue their faith journey as a part of Our Lady's Catholic Primary School.



Altar Servers


Congratulations to the Year 4 students who completed their Altar Server Training. Here are some of the students who received their certificates at Monday's assembly. 

One definition of being a faithful servant according to the Bible is to be a helpful follower, to be humble and ready to act as Jesus did and it is not about money but the reward of being helpful to others.  We look forward to seeing you at mass in your new roles. 


A special message from the Archbishop of Melbourne to the school community - all the way from Rome.

Year 6 Confirmation


  • Saturday 12th or Sunday 13th of August  - Sign Up & Presentation Weekend 
  • Tuesday 8/8/2023 - Year 6 Retreat Day- Amberley Centre
  • Sunday 20th August at 1:00 pm - Confirmation Celebration Day at Kolbe Catholic College Hall