Principal's Piece 

God's Love and Care for All

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week our prep grades celebrated their first 100 days of school. The significance of the first 100 Days of school cannot be understated. These initial days play a crucial role in shaping the educational journey of prep students. The transition from home to school can be both exciting and daunting for young learners and their families. This period sets the tone for their academic and social development and lays the groundwork for their future learning experiences. During these initial days, children form essential habits, build relationships, and establish a sense of belonging within the school community. 



The initial days in school provide opportunities for children to gain confidence in themselves and their abilities. Positive reinforcement, encouragement, and a supportive environment help them feel secure in their new surroundings. Developing consistent routines, is also an important aspect at this time of a child's school life. Additionally, our staff and school create a sense of predictability and stability for prep students. Knowing what to expect each day helps reduce anxiety and fosters emotional security.



So let's celebrate with our prep community as the first 100 days of school offers a unique opportunity to set children on a path of success, happiness, and fulfillment in both their academic and personal lives. Special thanks to all the parents who supported the occasion. 



 We farewell Ms. Amy Moate this week as she leaves Our Lady's to explore new opportunities. Amy has been a member of our staff for fifteen years and during that time she has touched many lives, shaping young minds with wisdom, compassion, and knowledge, I take this opportunity to express our community's gratitude for your dedication and passion.  Thank you, Amy, for being a dedicated educator and a cherished member of our community. 


Our World Youth Day Leaders- Miss Elia and Ms. Tomlin have already had a number of highlights, with the Victorian delegation having a special meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis and also getting to taste the best gelato in Rome! Hope Miss Elia didn't ask him too many hard questions.



Take care and enjoy the sunshine this weekend

