David's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


It is with the warmest welcome that we opened our gates again for the beginning of the school year. We have been incredibly excited about this school year, both for the arrival of our new Preps and their families joining our community, and for all our current students coming back after the holidays all smiles and just that bit taller! I took the next step as a parent myself when my daughter Maia started her first day in Prep on Thursday at her new school. I know this is a time filled with both joy and nervousness for our children, so we hope the start of term went well for each of you.


You might notice that the area of grass outside the specialist building is looking a little... dead. This is intended, we have begun work on the Nugal-ngaijin Garden to be created over the coming months. I know that Steve Hardman, Chair of the Buildings and Ground Committee and Aasta, our amazing Specialist Team Leader, are keen to link with any parents who would like to help bring this vision to life. As well as moving soil, creating paths and placing rocks, if any parents have wood working skills and can assist to create a bridge over the dry creek bed or some wooden stepping stones, we would love to hear from you! Please contact Aasta via the office or pop over and say hi.


We have some great and exciting events planned for this year - you will see the ones for the first term in our Calendar. We are also hoping to include more events that are related to the culturally and linguistically diverse nature of our community. We will soon be sending out a link to a calendar that our community can add important events to. 


For our new families, we strive to be a connected community where all parents feel welcome. We also love your feedback about what we can do to make our school the best place for your child to grow, thrive and love. Sarah Weston, our incredible School Council President is always available for a chat in the school yard and would love to hear from you if you would like to become more involved with our school council, the subcommittees or our community. 


Sarah Weston, School Council President and family
Sarah Weston, School Council President and family

We look forwards to an amazing year for all our parents, students and staff to sail into a universe of possibilities!


Best wishes, 

