Face Masks

It is wonderful to see our students at CHPS so dedicated to wearing their face masks to help reduce the risk of COVID transmission. Many of our Year 3 students, who are new to wearing masks, are doing a great job with their masks. 

  • Students in Grade 3 and above must wear a face mask indoors at school and TheirCare unless they have an exemption. 
  • Students are not required to wear a mask outside, however they are strongly recommended if physical distance cannot be maintained, even outdoors, when students are not undertaking physical exercise (for example, masks are strongly recommended when classes are held outside.

Masks need to cover the nose and mouth. 


Here is a mask wearing resource: https://raisingchildren.net.au/guides/coronavirus-covid-19-guide/wearing-face-masks-tips-to-help-children-teenagers


One way of helping our staff adapt to identifying students more easily in face masks would be to include their name on masks, if this is something you have time for. Some of us are meeting new faces for the first time, and only half their faces at, that so naming masks can very helpful for us. 


Ideal for single use masks, after washing hands, children may gently use crayons or textas to write their names. Alternatively fabric crayons or markers can be utilised for washable cloth masks. 

A big thank you from the CHPS staff!