Leadership Centre


Welcome to 2022 in the Leadership Centre! We are so excited to be back in the classroom, especially after spending time in our new classes at the end of last year. The 5/6 teachers enjoyed hearing all about how students spent their time over the holiday period! 


Last week, we spent time getting into the routines of learning in the Leadership Centre. Before we began using our iPads, we completed our Cyber Safety Day on Thursday to ensure that students were aware of the important responsibilities involved with having a device. This day covered our Acceptable Use Agreement, Digital Footprint, balancing life and technology, coding and apps required for school this year. We were also very fortunate and had an incursion from Bully Zero, which was very informative and provided many practical tips to help us all stay safe.   

In Literacy, students have been setting their first reading SMART goals for the term. Students will each set four goals - a mathematics, reading, writing, and personal goal - and record evidence as they work towards achieving them. You might like to have a discussion about goal setting at home too! In Reading, we have been busy making connections and exploring the different themes in texts. We expect students to read for 20 minutes each night and record the name of their book in their student diary. In Writing, students made a deconstructed recount of some of the events that took place over their time on holidays! It was exciting to see so many detailed descriptions, keep an eye out for these on Seesaw. 


In Mathematics, we have been hard at work looking at Place Value using a variety of fun and hands-on maths games. Next week we will continue to unpack place value and begin to look at different types of numbers using number expanders. These will allow students to make and rename numbers with different place values. Some students may also have the opportunity to begin investigating different types of numbers including negative, and prime numbers.


We are so excited to be back at school and are looking forward to an exciting term! 

Wishing you all a great term ahead, 

Mrs Brisbane, Miss Walker, Miss Campbell, Ms Bennetts, Mr Burrill and Mr Dix

Student Voice

  • Liam W - "I found the incursion really interesting and I already know about using a VPN!"
  • Tia B - "I had so much fun on the holidays but it is good to be back at school seeing all my friends!"
  • Michael F - "It will be really good to have a leadership role so I can make changes around the school!"


  • Students need hats and water bottles each day
  • ICT user agreement needs to be completed before students can use their iPads
  • iPads are needed at school
  • All students are asked to bring in a tissue box for the class
  • Message your classroom teacher on Sentral if you have any questions
  • Each child needs to bring a pencil case and headphones
  • New lunchtime (11:00 - 12:00) and recess times (02:00 - 02:30)

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Ivy H

Well done Ivy for using the character strength of self-regulation throughout our first week back at school. You have helped other students to settle in to the class and made sure you felt comfortable yourself with your learning. Thanks Ivy!


5/6C: Ella A

Amazing work tightening the tension in your writing, it was very engaging for your reader! I enjoyed reading the scene, you used many descriptive phrases. Excellent work Ella! 


5/6D: Hayley S

Well done on using your strength of kindness to help new members of the leadership centre to settle in and get to know the expectations. You have been an excellent role model and very helpful Hayley! 


5/6EB: Theo S

Well done, Theo, for making a seamless transition into the Leadership Centre and for acting with respect and integrity at all times. You are a positive role model for your peers, and a kind and valued friend.  


5/6W: Ann Maria B

For writing a creative and descriptive deconstructed recount that detailed highlights from your summer holidays. You did well to use similes, metaphors and idioms to transport the reader to that moment in time. Fantastic work, Ann Maria!