Need to get your head back into the maths game before the start of Term 1? Have we got the playlist for you! 


If you haven’t already heard of Eddie Woo, he’s a maths teacher from Sydney who uploads his entertaining maths lessons to YouTube. His videos get millions of views because he has an awesome way of explaining concepts and just generally makes maths fun! Below are his top five videos of all time, based on views. Happy watching! 

QUIZ: Can you guess these tech careers? 

Working in tech is exciting, ever-changing and has the power to change the world. 

Whether you want to code robots or help keep organisations safe from cyber crime, there are seriously cool gigs in technology. Think you know a lot about tech careers? Put your skills to the test with this trivia quiz



Could you be a pen tester? 

Thinking about working in cyber security? Let’s find out if pen testing is the right area to flex your STEM skills. 


What type of programmer are you?

IF you’re thinking about becoming a programmer, THEN you should definitely take this quiz, ELSE you might not know what specific career path to take! 


What tech degree is right for you?

Should you study a Bachelor of Information Technology or a Bachelor of Computer Science? This quiz will reveal what tech path you should walk! 


What future job should I have?

Find a study and career path that you’ll love and that’s future proof too! 


Careers with STEM: On Demand 

Have you checked out our YouTube channel yet? Here you'll find live webinar recordings (perfect if you've missed an event and want to catch up!), interviews with inspiring STEM professionals, fun videos on the coolest STEM jobs out there and heaps more! Subscribe to keep up-to-date with all things STEM.