A Great Start for Junior School

During the Year 7 Transition Program, we were all warmly welcomed to a new environment. We got to adjust ourselves to the school grounds and got an overview of how our daily school routine will look. The Chelt.Sec Community is a community that I take pleasure in being in and I have settled nicely into it.  Linnea (7C) 

BBQ Lunch

Group Team Building

Dodgeball Fun

Man Cave

I am pleased to report that our Year 8 students have had a smooth start to the 2022 school year. They have returned to Chelt.Sec bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and eager to learn.


Our Year 7 students have also had a wonderful start to their secondary school careers. All students engaged positively with the three-day Transitions Program making new friends, getting to know their teachers and familiarising themselves with the College values and processes. To further embed themselves in the College community, we have encouraged all Junior School students to get involved in one of the many lunchtime clubs currently running. 


We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead with the Junior School; camps, excursions and a range of opportunities planned for the near future.


Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, your first point of contact is the Junior School Coordinators:


Marie Tsimilas - tsi@cheltsec.vic.edu.au

Emma Allen - all@cheltsec.vic.edu.au

Lyndsey Beames - bml@cheltsec.vic.edu.au


Please keep in mind that the coordinators are balancing their teaching and role in supporting your child, so please allow a minimum of 48 hours for them to respond before following up on your query. 


For urgent matters, please call the College.


Kelly Spiteri

Director of Junior School