Meet our new 

Acting Assistant Principals

Peter Allen

Acting Assistant Principal: Performance and Development


This role is very much centred around Teaching and Learning and ensuring that we continue to provide an outstanding educational environment for our community. The work that I do is guided by the Instructional Model which is now prominently displayed in all of our classrooms. At the core, what I do is support staff and students so that they can achieve their personal best.


Prior to coming to Chelt, I spent time at a variety of schools including two years at Carwatha College P-12 as Acting Assistant Principal (Secondary). I have been dedicated to the field of education for more than 20 years predominantly teaching English, Drama and Theatre Studies. I am both Primary and Secondary trained and have been fortunate enough to have taught in most Curriculum Domains at some stage throughout my career. 


Thank you to everybody for making me feel so welcome. Cheltenham Secondary College has a strong sense of community which I am very excited to join.

Emily Nicholls

Acting Assistant Principal: Student Enhancement/Data Literacy


My role supports Teaching and Learning by using and analysing data to inform practice with a focus on Literacy/Numeracy and Data Literacy.  Part of this includes managing the collection of data (NAPLAN, PAT and On-Demand Testing) and supporting staff to use this data to better understand and support the learning needs of their students.


I have a background in research but found my way into teaching eight years ago and have loved the career change.  I am a math/science/biology trained teacher and spent a number of years teaching at McKinnon Secondary College before coming to Cheltenham.  This is my third year at Cheltenham, but my first in the Acting Assistant Principal position.  I am excited to see what 2022 brings!