From the Principal

Welcome to our new families and welcome back to our existing families for 2022.  I hope you all enjoyed a well-rested break and are excited for the year ahead.  Students have settled into the school year well and are back in the swing of things with their learning.  


Last week, we were fortunate enough to hold an assembly for the Year 7 and 12 students, which included a Smoking Ceremony by an Aboriginal Elder, I really hope that the students and teachers who were present got as much out of it as I did.  It truly was wonderful.  You can read more about this and view some photos in this newsletter.


The first round of RATs were distributed to all students last week. Students will receive their second box of five tests shortly so that home testing can continue.  Students were also given a bottle of hand sanitiser, thank you to Chelt.Sec parent, Julie Marnow and Aridzone for the kind donation.


As we hit the ground running for the school year, our priority this year focuses on student engagement, wellbeing and individual learning growth. Our leadership team, teaching staff and wellbeing team are all working together, providing opportunities and programs to the students to ensure they are working to achieve their best in a safe and inclusive environment.


Cheltenham Secondary College will be participating in an exciting new research project, called ‘Quality Teaching Rounds.’  This work is part of our school priority to support and build teacher capacity.  The research is being undertaken by the University of Newcastle. Four teachers from our school, as well as some of their students, will be invited to participate. Invitations will be sent out to the relevant classes in due course. Student participation is entirely voluntary. For further information, please contact Ms Nicholls via email at or phone 9555 5955.


The Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS) initiative is providing targeted literacy and numeracy support for identified students in Years 8, 9 and 10.  Students who have been notified they are in the program are expected to start their first sessions with their respective MYLNS teachers by the end of week 4. For further information, please contact the MYLNS coordinator Ms Williams at


We wish all students the best for the start of the year and continued growth as the year progresses.


Karl Russell
