Catholic Identity

Welcome back to St Mary’s for 2022. There is much to be grateful and to give thanks for in the safe return of all students and our new families. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Lauren Gould and I will be our Catholic Identity Leader for 2022. Holly Morris, who is a full time Year Two classroom teacher, will also be contributing to the Catholic Identity at St. Mary’s Primary.



This year, we will celebrate this theme through our class, year level, whole school masses and liturgies and hopefully we will be able to celebrate with our families onsite! We have already been able to celebrate the feast of St Brigid on Tuesday the 1st of February at our first school assembly. If your child is in the ‘red house’ they belong to St Brigid’s house.. St Brigid was a woman of faith, who was renowned for helping and educating the poor in Ireland. The qualities St Brigid modelled and those that we aspire to include care of the earth, love of learning, compassion, leadership and wisdom. Her Brigidine Cross has become a symbol of compassion.


St Brigid, you were a woman of peace.

You brought harmony where there was conflict.

You brought light to the darkness.

You brought hope to the downcast.

Inspire us to act justly and to reverence all God has made.

Brigid you were a voice for the weary.

Strengthen what is weak in us.

Calm us into a quietness that heals and listens.

May we grow each day into greater wholeness in mind, body and spirit.




Yours in faith,

Lauren Gould.

Holly Morris