Safe, Respectful Learners

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Avatar Shop Competition

Literacy Planet Avatar Costume Design Competition
Literacy Planet Avatar Costume Design Competition

Year 7 and 8 students have been using Literacy Planet to improve their reading comprehension, spelling and grammar for a number of years.  Now, they have the opportunity to be part of Literacy Planet like never before in an avatar costume design competition. The winning design will be added to the Literacy Planet Avatar Shop and be available to everyone!  Good luck, everyone!

Real Life Experiences

The HSIE Faculty at MHS continuously seeks opportunities for students to participate in programs that enable them to apply their classroom learning into real life situations. As such, the Year 9 and 10 Commerce students participated in a presentation delivered by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) in Week 7. The presentation was delivered via Zoom by personnel from the ATO, where students learnt about the taxation process within Australia.

The Smith Family has also partnered with MHS in a Work Inspiration Program whereby the organisation provides first hand work experience to the students.  The two companies that are providing work experience are Deloitte and Gallagher Insurance. The first virtual session was delivered during Week 8 via Zoom and 46 students participated, providing them with the opportunity to learn about the corporate world and consider their career choices in the future.


As we return to face-to-face learning, our Year 9 students completed the Probability topic in Mathematics. Students used probability to make predictions and to interpret mathematical or real-life situations to solve problems. Students also assigned and used probabilities to make sound judgements. The students completed a range of experiments using different resources including dice, coins, cards and spinners. The Year 9 students thoroughly enjoyed these hands-on activities as they were able to make the connection between the theory of Probability and putting this theory into practice. 

Year 8 Optical Art

This term the year 8 students have been exploring optical illusions in Visual Arts. We have been experimenting with pattern, shape, colour, positive and negative space, and numeracy elements to create artworks that fool the eye. The students have been working on octahedrons to create  a three-dimensional optical illusion. 

Year 8 Visual Arts Numeracy Activity
Year 8 Visual Arts Numeracy Activity

The Goanna ate my homework

The Students in L.E.A.P 2 class read the story "The Goanna ate my Homework." The students used their comprehension skills to understand the theme of the story. The students were excited to play the story and enjoyed taking up their favorite characters from the story. We organized an open-air show and invited some guests to come and enjoy the free open bush show, but unfortunately, due to the bad weather, the show was hosted in the classroom. The students worked collaboratively to write their favorite dialogues, practiced rehearsals, and performed inside the classroom. Abbas acted as a news reporter, interviewed all the animals, and inquired, "Who ate Little J's homework." Ahmed worked as a Goanna, Jorel was the Echidna, and Samuel enjoyed hopping like a kangaroo. Ms. Thethi could not resist and chose to be an Emu. Ms. Jasmine acted as a Camerawoman and interviewed Abbas, the reporter. 

Mr. Wark attended the show as a guest of honor and appreciated the incredible performance of L.E.A.P students. Well done, students!

Ms. Thethi

Year 9 Impressionism Artworks

Throughout Semester Two Year 9 Visual Arts students have explored a variety of art-making activities that catered to online learning and face-to-face experiences. Whilst learning from home Year 9 completed Impressionism Landscapes from clothes. Upon their return to school students completed Impressionism Landscapes using magazines and collage techniques. 

Let's LEAP into Space

We have studied Space this term in LEAP and the students have enjoyed learning about the planets, solar system and spaceships!

It is beginning to look like Christmas in LEAP

Science accomplishments 

  • HSC finalised for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Investigating Science 
  • Preliminary HSC finalised for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Investigating Science
  • HSC 2022 – first assessment tasks completed for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Investigating Science
  • Stage 4 Year 8 School based VALID exam completed in week 10.
  • In 2022 the Science faculty is proud to be offering:
    • Biology,
    •  Chemistry, 
    • Physics, 
    • Investigating Science and 
    • Earth and Environmental Science