Principal's Report

Mr. Prasad

Dear Merrylands High School Community, 


As the school comes to the end of 2021, we can proudly say that the continuity of learning has been maintained throughout online Learning as well as the return to face-to-face teaching. I can’t thank everyone enough for your endless hours of effort that you put in to support students—both at home and at school. Special thanks to our teachers and parents, as usual, went above and beyond the call of duty to provide whatever was necessary to add to our students’ already rich school experience. That experience could not occur without the endless energy, skills and devotion of the members of the school community including the safe respectful learners.   


Thanks, and well done to an incredible group of professionals who have grown immensely in the areas of technology and provided support to students during the online learning. 


A final word to Merrylands high school students.  Thank you for all your hard work throughout the school year.  I am so honoured to be your principal; you make me proud and given me the confidence and assurance in your learning in a safe respectful learner environment.  



Best wishes to our Year 12 students who have successfully graduated from Merrylands High School.  


Everyone have a safe and happy summer break. 


Mr. Prasad