Year 5 Leadership Day

Written by Brandon & Raiden

For Year 5 Leadership day all the Grade 5’s gathered in 5/6D to participate in Leadership day. On Leadership Day we learn about how to be great Leaders around our school! It was extremely fun because we got to do all sorts of activities that involve Leadership and working together in co-operative groups. We did an activity where, in groups, we had to make a web using cotton string. Then a person that is blindfolded was guided by other people in the group to untangle the web providing an opportunity for the teams to work together to solve a problem. 


Why do we do Leadership day: 

The reason why we do Leadership day is because it is important for us to learn how to become better leaders and role models for other students around our school. You need to learn how to become a leader because you will also need these skills later on in life.  


One of our other sessions during Leadership Day was a Let Talk session hosted by Miss Nelson. Miss Nelson introduced us to the idea of Let’s Talk and explained to the year 5s about what Let’s Talk means and the strategies and actions students can take when they come across a person who isnt feeling their best.

Student Voice

  • Tanaka - "I think it was good, we did lots of team building activities."
  • Shashank - "Leadership Day was very fun!"
  • Edith - "We got to learn important leadership skills on the day, it was fun!"