Inquiry Centre in 

Term 1 

Written by Zoe & Vanessa

The year 1/2's have been doing an identity project in guided inquiry where they were showing where they are from, some character strengths they like and what they want to be in the future. They had lots of fun with this project and enjoyed expressing who they are.

Term One for the Independent Centre has been using the Ozobots. Student made maps for the Ozobots to follow and coded them to dance, stop, turn and more.

Another exciting learning opportunity for students in the Inquiry Centre involved a number of Science Rotations about the human body, ants and ozobots. Part of these Science rotations also involved a STEM challenge which was a great highlight for the Inquiry centre students. 

The 1/2's have also been planting and gardening plants in the garden during there Gardening lessons which occur once every two weeks. Students have been very curious about how to plant and can't wait to see when the plants are fully grown. 

Student voice:

  • Ram and Logan - "We agree it was an 8 out of 10 because even though the experience was really fun and exciting in the future we want to use a robot that actually has arms and legs."
  • Jane and Matilda - "We rate this project 10 out of 10!"