Timetable Changes

This year we have implemented a new timetable.
Below is the new timetable which operates on a 2 week schedule.
The key features of this timetable are:
- Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri - students start at 9:00am and finish at 3:25pm
- Thur Week A - students start at 9:00am and finish at 3:00pm
- Thur Week B - students start at 9:00am and finish at 1:50pm unless they have a scheduled assessment e.g. SAC or exam. Depending on the duration of the assessment students can finish as late as 4:15pm
- Assessents - will be visible on Compass on the student's schedules.
- Year 12 Free Sessions - Year 12 students will have 3 free sessions each week which will be shown on their schedule. Students who have a a free session at the beginning or end of the day are not required to be at school. The library is available for private study during free session.
Examples of Year 10 & 11 Timetable
Examples of a Year 12 Timetable
Parents are encouraged to check their child's schedules on Compass for upcoming assesments.