Middle School News

2019 Course Information evenings
There will be information evenings held next week to provide support for the transition into 2019 courses. It is important for families to attend these evenings to ensure they understand the process for subject selection for 2019. There will be a VCE expo for the Year 10 students held straight after the information session in the VCE centre and middle corridor rooms. Students will be able to speak to specific subject teachers about the VCE offerings in 2019.
- Year 9 into 10 families – Monday 23 July at 6pm in the Lecture Theatre
- Year 10 into 11 families – Tuesday 24 July at 6pm in the Lecture Theatre
Students will receive their log on details for subject selection at the information evenings.
Year 10 Course Counselling
2018 Year 10 students have their Course Counselling day on Friday 3 August. This day involves a meeting with the student, parent and the Course Counselling teacher to look at the student’s subject preferences for 2019. Students will be given an appointment time by their Course Counselling teacher. All students must attend their course counselling session with a parent. Attendance at the session also grants them entry into the Year 10 Social on the evening of Friday 3 August. If due to parental work commitments the time slot does not suit, the student may have the option to negotiate a time swap with another student in their class.
Year 10 Camp – The Summit
The Year 10s have their year level camp to The Summit on Wednesday 29 to Friday 31 August. This camp builds on the skills, experiences and year level cohesion from their Year 8 experience. It is such a wonderful opportunity for the year level to bond and from previous experiences, this camp has been an absolutely amazing experience for all who attended. Payment information has been added to families' accounts and an information letter will be distributed shortly.
Year 10 Social
One of the highlights of the year for our Year 10s is the eagerly anticipated Social. This will be held on the evening of Friday 3 August, being run by the College SRC. Information will be distributed to families shortly. Students will not be able to attend the event if they have not participated in their Course Counselling appointment.
The Resilience Project Incursion – Year 9 and 10
One of MGSC’s core values is resilience. It is a valuable characteristic we hope to instill in students, providing them skills to deal with difficult situations. Both Year 9 and 10 students participated in the Resilience Project incursion on Monday this week. The key messages from the incursion where that kindness, empathy and gratefulness are very key in the pursuit of positive mental health. Students were encouraged to focus on three things each day that they are grateful for and to look for opportunities to show kindness to other people. The research presented focused on the significant mental health benefits of music, laughter and exercise. Students responded very well to this session and we are glad it gave them some really positive tools to use to support their mental health.
The Alpine School – Gnurad Gundidj School for Student Leadership
This term five students (pictured above) are attending the Alpine School – Erin Desylva, Michelle Dowling, Eleftheria Kazas, Maia Lafferty and Jasmine Wendt. They will be participating in a range of exciting activities in the outdoors and with students from all across Victoria. They will be out of contact from Melbourne and become totally immersed in this alternative setting. The students were selected upon application and interview and were amongst a very strong field of applicants. They will be involved in a Community Leadership Program which they will plan and then implement once back at Mentone. We wish them well for their exciting experience away from home and look forward to hearing of their experiences when they return in term 4.
Ms Deb Jarvis
Director of Middle School