Senior School News

Term 3
This is a very busy term for all the students and teachers. Year 12 students are heading toward the completion of their studies and revision for the VCAA exams in term four.
By the beginning of the second week Year 10 and 11 students will be able to access the handbook to start their investigations for the 2019 academic year.
On Tuesday 24 July Year 10 students and their parents are invited to the VCE Information Night and Expo at 6pm in the Lecture Theatre. They will be informed about the VCE Course selection process and the students’ personalised instructions and log on details for the web preferences will be distributed. After a short formal presentation the students and parents will be able to visit an expo in the VCE Centre. There will be representatives from various tertiary institutions and VCE teachers available to answer any questions.
Current Year 11 students received their log on details for course selection at a level assembly on the 20 July. They are invited to explore their options at the Expo and may attend from 6pm to 6.45pm.
We wish everyone a productive and satisfying term.
Ms Sylvia Christopoulos
Director of Senior School