From the Primary School
From the Primary School
So the time has come, all too quickly, for another year’s end. Much has happened and as with every year there are plenty of exciting times, brilliant learning opportunities, personal, emotional and academic growth as well as tears of joy and sadness, laughter and moments of awe and wonder over the journey but all part of the process.
It is always sad at the end of a school year as it is time to farewell children, families and staff. To all our families leaving us we thank you for your contribution to the school and wish you well for the future. To our staff leaving we thank you for your efforts. Specifically, Loretta Robertson, who has contributed so much this year with her professionalism, initiatives and good spirit. We wish you much happiness in your new co-ordinator’s role at Torrensville Primary. To Beau Leonard, who came in for a last term - never easy - especially with a graduating year, your efforts have been much appreciated and as our best wishes go to you. We have had Mitch Brealey undertake the duties of Sports Co-ordinator and Primary PE with some help from Nick Hrisafinas, both have worked tirelessly to ensure continuation of programs.
In our ELC, Cheslea Wymond, who held the fort for Jacqui Ballestrin while on Maternity Leave, we thank you for providing such thoughtful care for our young ones. Vittoria Maiorana and Rachel Gloyn have had various roles as ESOs and will now pursue their teaching ambitions. We thank you and all the staff for a great year.
On the flip side we welcome Jessica Macolino who comes to us from Nazareth. She will be a great addition to our staff and I am sure the boys will marvel at her football and athletic skills (she plays league for Norwood!). Of course she is an outstanding teacher too. Krystale Petruzzella will return later next year and Diana Hatzipolousis will be helping out with Art in Term One. Bianca Kovacevic and Jacqui Ballestrin are returning from Maternity Leave and will be sharing an ELC class next year. Kari Jones too returns as an ESO in the ELC for Term 1 2020.
The latter part of this term has seen some important events occur, none more important than the End of Year Mass which where our Primary families were so well represented. And earlier this week we had our Carols, Awards and Year 6 Graduation Evening which was an excellent way to farewell the year and our Year 6 boys.
Each year at this event we present three major awards to our Year 6 boys highlighting significant achievements and contributions. We have three major awards and a scholarship in the Primary school which we announced last night and we would love to share them with you: St Dominic Community Spirit Award – was won by Luke Tsavdaridis; St Albert the Great Academic Award went to Hugh Caton and the Frassati Co-curricular Award – awarded to our outstanding sportsman went to Isaac Matikulas. The Br Patrick Hynes Primary Scholarship was awarded to Luca Emmerson. All worthy recipients. Special thanks go to Libby Hunter and Lucy Pope along with the Concert Band 3 and 3/4/5/6/7 Choir for helping to make the night a special event.
A list of Primary Award winners, including the House Awards, is available for download below.
We farewelled quite a few of our ELC children this week to at their “Graduation Ceremony”. They are leaving to attend various schools including ours. Last week we were entertained and amazed at the brilliant Nativity Play put on by our youngest children. Families and staff came in large numbers to witness the great performance. Well done to Karen McEntee, Meg Foody and all the ELC Staff and children.
Finally, on behalf of the Primary School I wish all families a Happy and Holy Christmas and a safe and relaxing holiday break.
Mr Frank Ali
Head of Primary