Monash Tech School Program

Monash Tech School Program

Two groups of Year 7 (7A & 7B) completed a 3 day program at Monash Tech School this week. The program ‘Superhumans’, aims to provide students with a solid understanding of the key concepts relating to materials science and engineering. This program is designed to affirm the objectives of the Victorian Curriculum. The ‘Superhumans’ unit asks students to design either smart clothing, implants, wearables or bionic devices. Students had access to rapid prototyping equipment such as laser cutters, various types of 3D printers, and more to complete their projects.

Big DAY In – ICT careers

A group of students attended RMIT and heard leading speakers from a wide variety of organisations, all talking about the future of technology & how students can get involved in shaping the future. They were be able to visit exhibitor stands to learn about where a career in IT can take them. Here are thoughts of two students who went along.

Big Day in Melbourne recount by Luke Henry 9D

On the 19th of June, some year 9, 10 and 11 students attended the ACS ‘Big Day in Melbourne’ presentations. The presentations had representatives from several companies and organizations. These companies and organizations included Microsoft, Defence Force Recruiting, Adobe, Westpac, Wisetech Global, RACQ, Agilent technologies. Each of the representatives talked about the tech related careers of the company’s they work for. They also talked about how future jobs are going to be over taken by robots and how tech skills can be important to adapt to different careers and jobs that may be made in the future. In-between presentations, we had breaks and during those breaks, we could talk to the representatives about their jobs and other career paths in more detail. There were a couple pieces of technology which people could try out and see how they worked. 1 included VR setup and another 1 included live animating which could track your facial movements and appear on a puppet. The day was interesting as it gave us more information about technologies and careers from people with lots of experience.

Emily’s response to the big day in Melbourne by Emily Clement 9D

The moment I entered the doors to big day in Melbourne I was in awe. We first had an introduction on what things we would be learning and how everything in the building had some cone connection to IT technology. After the introduction, we listened to a speakers talk for a little while, then we went and had a look around and learn about all the different technology and its functions. Overall it was a great learning experience for me and I am glad I got to go because, now I have more knowledge on technology. I also liked all the free merchandise I was given!

Kim Hewlett

Stem Leading Specialist

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