Assistant Principal's Page

Work Submission Policy
As part of our core work in supporting student outcomes, we have recently reviewed our current practices. All students have the ability to succeed, although sometimes they may require additional support to achieve their best. As a college we are committed to doing everything we can to support student learning so that students can continue to build upon their skills and knowledge to support their ongoing journey as learners. As a means to providing the optimum conditions for this to occur, the college, in partnership with school council, has decided to implement a process for students who fail to submit their work by the due date. The objective of this process is not intended to be punitive, but rather a measure to further support students complete outstanding work, to enable the learning process to continue via teacher feedback and skill building. Experience tells us that students who fail to submit work are unable to build their capacity for more rigorous challenges and in essence this puts them behind and at a significant disadvantage in terms of their ongoing learning and skill development.
Please refer to the attached Work Submission Policy for your reference. Work submission sessions will be held after school two times per week. As a learning community that places a high degree of importance on academic and personal growth, we are confident that as parents you will be happy to support this initiative to ensure your child has the very best opportunity to further their learning whilst at Wheeler's Hill Secondary College.
Please be reminded that we have high expectations in relation to the wearing if the college uniform. All students are expected to wear the correct uniform moving into term 3. We request parent support in this matter as we try to encourage our students to present themselves in an appropriate manner in keeping with the College uniform policy. Please ensure that any additional or replacement items of uniform are purchased over the term break so that everyone can be attired correctly from day one of term 3. Please also be mindful of correct fitting uniform as many of our students experience growth spurts which impact on the length and fit of uniform items. Students who fail to wear correct school uniform will face graduated consequences in line with the uniform policy. Please refer to the college website for a copy of the uniform policy.
Leave of absence for Term 3- Judy Anderson.
For those families who may not be aware, I will be away from the College for most of term 3. For the first 3 weeks of term 3 I will be on long service leave and upon my return I will be at Dandenong High School as an Intern Principal until the last few weeks of term 3. As I place a high value on life long learning, at the start of 2019 I embarked upon a Graduate Certificate of Principal Preparation through Monash University and facilitated via Bastow. The course to date has been extremely rewarding as I have been able to take a balcony view and reflect upon my own leadership journey, my experience of past and present leaders, while taking in recent research on various aspects of contemporary educational leadership. These experiences have provided me with the opportunity to further construct my own understandings of who I am as a leader and the authenticity I bring to my role as an educational leader. I am an advocate of life long learning and I am looking forward to spending time in a very different setting so that I can come back to my role at WHSC and share any new leanings that may further support the work of our college.
I wish all our students, families and staff, a safe and relaxing break. All the best for term 3!
Bon Voyage!