SMCC Reef Warriors

Elizabeth Hickman                                     Tiffany Turnour

Science Teacher                                   Science Technician










The SMCC Reef Warriors have been so busy. Students have learnt the negative impact plastic has on marine life. Some students have really stepped up and decided to make a difference. They have picked up over 1000 bottles and rubbish each week. 


We have counted so far over 10,000 bottles and bits of plastic in total that has been stopped from entering the waterways that lead to the sea. Students demonstrate stewardship for caring for God’s creation because we are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored. As humans we need to stop our use of single use items and create more environmentally sustainable practices and mindsets. 


Two local companies have put their full support behind our students and this initiative. The Frankland Island ESTANDA Travel group has donated the major prize to the winner of the competition. Frankland Islands is a pristine area of the Great Barrier Reef and the company agree that keeping it great starts with each and everyone of us. 



The second company is the Cairns Aquarium who has kindly donated prizes to our students. The Cairns Aquarium know the negative impacts plastic has on the ocean and were so kind to donate passes. 



We have the final weekly draw with the winners Elijah, Ellie and Lacey. They pick up an extraordinary amount of plastic around the school as many times as they could. Their efforts have truly made a difference and their hard work will be awarded to use over the summer holidays. If you are looking for something cool, unforgettable and under the water to do these holidays then Frankland Islands and the Aquarium are two amazing local companies that are worth exploring.