Student Leadership at St Mary’s in 2022 

  Mrs Paula Incretolli, Mrs Cathy Ferrari, Mr Anthony Speranza

Hello School Community


Last Thursday 10th November, we held a Leadership Expo for the Year 5 students. We all gave a presentation of our Leadership Roles in the form of google slides. The Year 5 students moved around to each Leadership Group to hear what each role entailed and how we, as Leaders, enacted our leadership responsibilities. This process was part of the Year 5’s own preparation for leadership next year.


We spoke about our achievements and challenges throughout the year as Leaders in our area - Technology, Sustainability, Faith and Social Justice, Wellbeing, Sports and School Community. We shared our stories, and in particular, we also shared what we liked the most and least about our roles. We all enjoyed being MCs at School Assemblies and felt proud at how much we have all grown in confidence when speaking in front of a wider audience. Another highlight for all of us was conducting school tours for prospective families. 


Each group gave an informative presentation leaving time at the end for any questions from the Year 5 students. 


We hope we have helped the Year 5’s in better understanding the responsibilities attached to each Leadership Role and how best they can carry out that role next year when they are Leaders.