Principal's Report

Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders  

Smile Squad Dental Van Visit (all next week)


Echuca Regional Health are coming out with the Smile Squad Dental Program, commencing on Tuesday, 22nd November.


ETRS Step Up Program


Students will transition to 2023 year levels at the following times for our Step Up Program. 

Day 1 (Tuesday) – 22nd November  9 -10am

Day 2 (Tuesday) – 29th November  9 -10:30am

Day 3 (Tuesday) – 6th December  9 -11am

Day 4 (Tuesday) – 13th December  9am -1pm

At these times students, will develop comfort and understanding in what 2023 may look like for them.


Change in School Daily Schedule


In line with the recently approved Victoria Government Schools Agreement (2022), we are making changes to our daily schedule at Echuca Twin Rivers School. 


This change will begin on Monday the 28th November, 2022 and will continue into 2023 and beyond. 


The new daily schedule will be as follows:

8:35amSchool gates open

Start of day for Students.

Students enter classrooms – Community Circles begin

9:00amSession 1 begins
10:00amSession 2 begins
11:00amLunch Eating Time
11:10amLunch Break
11:40amSession 3 begins
12:40pmSession 4 begins
1:40pmRecess Eating Time
1:50pmRecess Break
2:20pmSession 5 begins
3:10pmEnd of day for students


Koori Transition Day to Echuca College (Yr 6 to Yr 7) 

Tuesday November 22nd


The start time will be 9:30-9:45am we will pick up Koori students from Moama PS, Echuca East, Echuca Twin Rivers and Echuca Primary School.

Students will return via bus at end of day to ETRS.


10:00am- School Tour

10:49- Recess

11:15- Koori Profile

12:00- Koori Games

12:46- Lunch BBQ or Pizza (provided)

1:30- 2:00- Reflection of Day/ Completion of Survey


5/6 Health & Wellbeing Day 


Our school will be hosting a Year 5/6 Health and Wellbeing Day next Wednesday 23rd of November, at Echuca College. All our Year 5/6 students will be attending the day and will have four structured sessions throughout the day. Each session will have an external health expert to deliver the content specific to their role in our community. 


The sessions will be addressing physical health, mental health, transition to secondary school, drug education with a focus on vaping and personal development. We have presenters from Echuca Regional Health, Headspace, Echuca Aquatic Centre and students from the secondary school. 


Both recess and lunch will be catered for, however, we request that students bring their drink bottles and broad brimmed school hat with them. Full uniform is required on the day. Students will not need to bring recess or lunch on this day. Permission notes have been sent home and are required back at school no later than Monday the 21st of November. 


We are all looking forward to a great day with the sole focus being personal wellbeing for all our students. 


5/6 T20 Cricket 


30th Nov – Students involved will receive notes. Please return permission and payment by due date to support organisation of the event.


School Wide Positive Behaviour 


Respect, Inclusion, Resilience, Responsibility, (Academic Excellence)


Julie Hommelhoff                  Matt Saunders

Acting Principal                     Assistant Principal