Celebrating success

Record of School Achievement, Kindness and Support!

Year 10 Drama Monologues

Thank you to Mrs Miller for inviting me to watch the Year 10 Drama monologue performances. I was very keen to view our Year 10 Drama classes perform and was extremely impressed by the quality of work. All students showed a lot of courage to get up in front of an audience and perform. What was so brilliant was the support they showed for each other by the team huddle at the beginning, just fabulous. Well done to Mrs Miller and all the students involved. We have an array of talent at Cecil, and I enjoy every opportunity to see our students in action. 

An act of kindness and support for our future Year 7 2023 students

Every Thursday, students from Bonnyrigg Heights Public School visit our school to be 

immersed in music. The feedback we have received from both the students and staff at Bonnyrigg has been extremely positive, and I would like to commend Mr Faga - Head Teacher, Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) and the CAPA team for their ongoing commitment to our successful transition program. We enjoy welcoming our future graduating class of 2028 every week. 



One of the boys coming to us next year from Bonnyrigg Heights Public School is Julian Glasovic. He is a keen sportsperson with a particular passion and special interest for anything practical.  Mr Miller our Head Technological & Applied Studies  (TAS) kindly offered to work with Julian in our Woodwork rooms to help Julian make a pencil box. It was a very special moment for Julian, and he absolutely loved it.  

Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 will be venturing out into the world of work experience in week 9 of this term between the 5th and the 12th of December. They have all received packages and are working towards a successful placement in the up-and-coming weeks. Please continue to assist them to make the right choices for their future pathways.                          


Year 10 Senior Science Preparation Program

Thank you to Mr Nguyen for engaging and challenging our Year 10 students through the Senior Science Preparation Program. The program aims to prepare our Year 10 students for their senior years in science courses such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. The program focuses on the following key areas:

  • Improving organisation skills
  • Developing independent study habits, and
  • Remediating fundamental concepts from Year 9 & 10 Science

Forty-three students have committed their time after school to make sure they are as prepared as possible for their senior years. Such initiative from our future HSC students is inspiring, and Mr Nguyen will be sure to work equally as hard to make sure the program is a huge success! 

Celebrating our Village of Support - Thank you to our School Counsellors and Student Support Officer

Thursday the 10th of November was School Counsellor and School Psychologist Recognition Day.  We would like to acknowledge the immense contribution our School Counselling Service makes to our students’ wellbeing and everyday lives.  School counsellors and school psychologists help our learners reach their full potential by providing assessments and interventions in the areas of wellbeing, mental health and disability. We have all seen the positive impact they continue to have. Thank you from Cecil!

Year 7 2023 Impact Day Success 

On Tuesday the 15th of November we enjoyed an exciting morning with fifteen of our Year 7 2023 students. The day was all about easing their way into Cecil Hills High School and making our students comfortable. Students had the opportunity to play an ice breaker game as a whole group and undertook activities with our SRC leaders to help them gain a better understanding of High School procedures such as using their timetables and diary use. Students also had the opportunity to play team challenges versing other groups and all students made a new friend!. All students were excited and proved to be a lovely bunch of students.

After a trip to the canteen and lots of decision making, they took part in a craft activity where they got to paint their own mason jars which would then become a desk buddy. Our group leaders did such a great job. Thank you to our Student Representative Council leaders and mentors Sadeer Al-Zuhairi, Xara Zaineddine , Setare Nafisinia, Adriano Rotondaro, Sarah Battista, Cavaldi Chuna and Eesha Gounder.

Thank you to Sadeer Al-Zuhairi of Year 9 who reflected on the morning and to Mr Floresca who interviewed three of our future students and asked them some interesting questions to which there were some great answers!

White Ribbon Walk - Friday, 18 November

Representative staff and students from Bonnyrigg High School, Bonnyrigg Heights Primary School, Bossley Park High School, Bossley Park Primary School, Cecil Hills High School, Governor Philip King Primary School, Middleton Grange Primary School, Prairiewood High School, Prairievale Primary School, St Johns Park High School, St Johns Park Primary School and William Stimson Public School took part in our combined White Ribbon Day Walk on Friday 18 November. Each school representative group commenced the walk at their own school and converged at Terone Park in Bossley Park.


Dale Palmer, Director of the ‘Breaking the Silence’ Program joined us on the walk and addressed the crowd of students at the park.  As a network, we took the pledge and signalled our commitment to this cause by tying a white ribbon on each other’s wrist. The walk is designed to raise awareness about Domestic Violence and asks us as a community, to stand up and say ‘NO’ to violence.

Year 10 Record of School Achievement Success

Congratulations to all year 10 students for their commitment to their studies this year. You dedication to your schoolwork and extra-curricular activities has been excellent and we are very proud of you all! Be sure to take up the opportunity to attend your REWARDS DAY at Cables Wake Park. 








Mrs C Lord

Deputy Principal - Year 10