Respectful, Responsible, Successful

Year 7 Medieval Day
On Friday, 28 October - Year 7 students were treated to a medieval incursion. This involved learning about customs and practices from medieval times. Students were also able to get some hands-on experiences with archery, swords, armour and face masks. The presenters were very engaging, and the Year 7 students were all very well behaved. I would like to thank Mr Griffiths and the History faculty for organising this great learning experience for our students.
Year 7 Student Representative Council
Over the last couple of weeks year 7 students have nominated their peers and have been nominated to run for the Student Representative Council (SRC) in 2023. We had 40 students nominated which is an extremely high number. It was a fantastic group of students and a very strong group have been elected. We would like to congratulate the following students who were elected by their peers.
Pictured from left to right below:
Xander Allison, Avalyne Chanthasenh, Rianna Georgis, Anthony Ngov and Max Yang
Mr J Howard
Deputy Principal - Year 7