Working together

HSC Results
Year 12 students are set to receive their ATARs and results on 15 December 2022. A breakfast will be held from 8:15 am to 9:15 am in the TAS Quad on the same day. Students are welcome to attend and celebrate with their teachers and Year Advisers.
Year 12 Clearance Day
In order to facilitate an easier sign out process from Cecil Hills High School, the school has organised a Year 12 Clearance Day. Details as follows:
Date: Friday 9 December
Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Where: Cecil Hills High School
Returning your Library/school texts
To complete the Year 12 clearance process, please return any outstanding borrowed school textbooks or school library books to the school office. Please bring your yellow form and see the office if you need a copy.
School fees and Year Book payment
The school office will be open for students to settle any outstanding school fees. Students who have not paid for their Yearbook can also make payments on the day.
School References and Year Book collection
Both your school reference and Year 12 Yearbook will be available for collection at the school’s front office. If you are unable to attend on Friday 9 December, you are welcome to return your outstanding texts, together with payment of any outstanding school fees prior to this date.
Please contact the school office on 9822-1430 with any questions.
Ms A Sahid
Relieving Deputy Principal
MENtor Program
This year we have started a new program named MENtor for our male students in Year 9. The program is aimed to meet the needs of these students, including a variety of educational experiences in relation to masculinity and what it means to be a man. The program runs during Connect each day under the leadership of Mr Chambour, Mr Tait and Mr Cosic who have led the boys in a range of experiences both practical and theoretical. The learning and skill development has included using tools and timber in the workshop to create projects for the school and their own educational benefit. The boys have covered content which is designed to engage them into their learning and school life whilst finding meaningful pathways for their future by utilising the school staff, programs and external providers, including getting their White Card certification. The course has its own ‘MANtra’ which is an acronym which was devised to explore the themes, experiences and skills the boys developed throughout the MENtor program:
M – MAN: What is a Man?
E – Experiences (Work experience, Training, School based programs)
N – Next step? What is it? Where do I want to go? (Goal Setting and Motivation)
T – Time for action! How do I put my goals and what I’ve learnt into action?
O – Opportunities (Using what they have learnt and taking opportunities when they arise to improve as a man for the future)
R – Rage, Respect, Resilience & Relationships (Building on these skills and understanding their importance)
So far this year we have had two groups, on per semester, undertake the program with great success. Last week on Thursday November 10th Mr Dunn and Mr Evans lead a reward day where these students were invited to a team building excursion to Burns Outdoor Obstacle Course. The aim was to give the boys in the program a fun way to apply the knowledge and skills they learnt in the program to an activity. It was great to see the students bond with one another, encourage one another and step out of their comfort zone to explore their new skills, knowledge and demonstrate what they have learnt.
A huge thank you to the boys involved for their excellent behaviour on the day and in the classroom. Also, to a massive thank you to Mr Tait, Mr Chambour, Mr Cosic and Mr Evans for their continued support of the program. We are looking forward to watching the boys MENtor other male students over the rest of their time at Cecil hills High School and to next year when we create another group of MENtors.
Mr J Dunn
MENtor Program Coordinator