
Music News
Lunchtimes with Music
The grassed area outside of the Music Centre was transformed into a concert venue at lunchtimes between Tuesday and Friday last week. On Tuesday the recently formed Middle School Concert Band presented their debut performance, ably assisted by the Guitar Ensemble. The next day was ‘strings day’ with performances by each of Junior Strings, Middle School Strings and Senior Strings. The lunchtime performances continued on Thursday with the Senior Concert Band and the Jazz Ensemble (also a debut performance!). The Friday lunchtime performances were presented by the Percussion Ensemble and the Senior Symphony Orchestra.
All groups performed magnificently, albeit with the occasional gust of wind trying to create havoc) and the students and staff were very appreciative of all the performing groups and their wonderful musical offerings. It is hoped that more of these events can take place whenever the weather is kind enough to allow us!
Double Achievement
It was delightful to receive the news that Ethan Z (Year 9) has recently been attained his AMEB AMusA diploma on cello. This is his second AMusA qualification, having previously earned this on piano! It is indeed a rare feat to achieve this extremely prestigious award on two instruments, and even rarer to do so by Year 9. We all congratulate Ethan on his hard work, dedication to practice, and self-motivation in preparing for these high-level exams.
Ethan Z performing at the Solos Recital Night June 2022
Music Lesson Enrolments
A reminder that the Music Department can organise private music lessons in school time on the full range of string, brass, woodwind, percussion instruments, and voice, guitar and piano. All information and enrolment procedures for 2023 are available via the Music page of the Huntingtower website:
Mr David Mowat
Head of Music