Around the Grounds

Christmas Is Giving Assembly
Every year the Huntingtower community comes together to support the Eastern Emergency Relief Network by donating gifts at the Christmas assembly. Thank you to everyone for your generosity, and well done to the performers, musicians and staff who organised yesterday's celebration!
It was incredible to see how many gifts were donated at the assembly, as well as money collected which totalled over $600 from the Senior and Junior School.
Indonesian Reps Visit
The General Consulate of Republic of Indonesia has been very supportive to our Indonesian Department. The consulate representatives, Mr. Razan and Mr. Geovannie taught our students how to play angklung, the Indonesian traditional instrument this week. The students performed the Indonesian rendition of ‘Silent Night’ beautifully with Angklung instruments during the Christmas is Giving ceremony. Mr Houghton also took part in the Angklung orchestra.
Ibu Timi Ardiyanti
Head of Indonesian
Senior Library
We have had a marvellous year in the Senior Library!
Huntingtower’s staff and students have borrowed thousands of books; completed eight puzzles, played hundreds games of chess, UNO, Bananagrams and more; and shared their love of learning every day.
In recent weeks, many students eagerly borrowed from our holiday display – choosing a book without ever seeing the cover or title! We hope that you all get wrapped up in a good book over the summer holidays.
Take a look at our ‘Year in Review’ below! We wish everyone Happy Holidays and we can’t wait to share more new books with you in 2023.
Mrs Alison Raiden & Ms Madeleine Mullan
Library Staff
Junior Landcare Grant
We were recently awarded a Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant to design and build an indigenous food garden.
The gardens and surroundings at Huntingtower have always been an asset to the school, with tall Eucalypts and other Australian native plants lining the school perimeter offering the students peaceful and beautiful play areas. The project was completed in November and increases the school’s indigenous flora with an Indigenous Garden space and walk at the rear of the STEM centre.
The students created a space that includes plants that have traditional Aboriginal uses and bush foods as well as open spaces with recycled plastic garden seating for working or just simple contemplation. The students researched specific species and investigated how the first nations peoples used the plants found in the local area.
Species included Lemon Aspen, Davidson Plum, Blue Quandong, Illawarra Plum as well as Native Yam Daisy. Students have been able to develop planting and gardening skills and have developed a sense of ownership towards the school’s new space.
Mr Greg Hellard
Head of STEM
Year 10 Media
This week the Year 10 Media class had their screening during Period 1 (shown to all of Year 10 as part of the YLC Day activities). Winners included:
Best Friends Intro - Sasha, Nicholas, Eric, Mikali and Avaya
Best Fictional Narrative - Run Georgia Run (Georgia, Eadie, Amelia and Sasha)
People’s Choice Award - Run Aiden Run (Aiden, Isaac, Patrick and Peter)
Mr Stefan Sakellaridis
Senior Teacher
Tree planting
Huntingtower's neighbour house (79 Waimarie Drive) welcomed some new fruit trees, which were kindly planted by Year 11 students and Mr Rodney Jones!
Duke of Edinburgh Hike
A huge effort by these Year 10 students who trekked over 4 days along the Great Ocean Walk near Apollo Bay, led by Mr Ivan Key.
Some great photos taken by Nihar P and Emily M-T!
Magazine launch
Well done to 2022 Magazine Committee who launched this year's AT HOME yearbook yesterday. A big thanks to Clara A (Year 10) who designed the cover artwork.
We hope everyone enjoys it!
2022 Magazine Committee:
Mikali Chandler, Peter Giannopoulos, Patrick Pan, Sasha Borgula, Isabella Zeuschner, Shanya Abeyasinghe, Nikitha Sivakumar, Emily Morley-Tusjak, Eadie Anderson
Food tech
For the Year 8s last lesson the students made Chocolate Brownies that they then made into reindeer.
Mrs Jayne Dickson
Head of Food Studies