From the Principal

Thought for the week
Mary Baker Eddy asks that you “Let your light reflect Light. Have no ambition, affection, nor aim apart from holiness.” - Misc. Writing P. 154
Our theme for 2022 was “Forward to the light.” These words have been taken from the last line of the Huntingtower School Song and emphasise that as a community, we have a bright future ahead and we are guided forward every step of the way.
Brian Solis, digital anthropologist, and futurist, reminds us that “Community is much more than belonging to something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter”.
I love this definition and as it combines the power of belonging and community as one harmonious ecosystem.
We can all look back at 2022 as the year we came back together to achieve amazing accomplishments. It has reminded us how special and unique the Huntingtower community is, a community that is built on kindness, respect, excellence, love and belonging.
At Huntingtower, each person is encouraged to recognise and demonstrate his or her spiritual nature. They are encouraged to express their freedom from limitation and to achieve their best through the power and love of God: in short, to let your God given light shine bright. This love provides each one of us with an unlimited supply of light to share with the world, and we are so blessed to be part of a community which chooses to shine their collective light and brighten the world for all we meet.
We achieve our success at Huntingtower because we believe we can! Belief in our unlimited potential and commitment to being the best versions of ourselves as individuals and as a community. At Huntingtower, we believe that we all have everything we need to be the best versions of ourselves and if we let our inner light shine, we can only be a beneficial presence in the world.
This year we have certainly let our light shine bright! I encourage you to read the ‘At Home’ Magazine and ‘HT News’ to truly appreciate and reflect on what a wonderful year of learning and community we have had.
This evening we will celebrate Speech Night as the culminating event for the year for the Secondary School. We acknowledge we have not been able to gather the entire community for this event and we have worked very hard to get as much of the community together as the PAC allows. For the students and families who cannot join us tonight in the PAC, we invite you to view the live stream:
We are pleased to announce that next year we will be returning to a venue that is large enough to cater for all the students and families to come together to celebrate this significant event.
I wish all families a wonderful and blessed Christmas and look forward with excitement to what 2023 will bring.
Mr Andrew Houghton