Media Club 

On the airwaves…again!

Media Club hit the airwaves of Southern FM for the third time this year on Thursday 29 July. Our Year 7 terrific tandem of Bailey White and Andy Mikhaylichenko hosted, whilst superstar producer, Bjorn Steguweit, worked his magic producing the show whilst also joining in occasionally.


They played a variety of songs whilst roving reporter, Jamie Van Der Merwe, interviewed members of our ever-expanding Anime Club.


Many thanks to Bjorn Steguweit who also edited the interviews and constructed the many radio spots which elevated this production to that of a truly professional show. Thanks also to Mr Andonovski for supervising on the day.


We look forward to the return of the one and only Reuben duo returning on 19 August!



Mr Josh Slocum

Communicate & Relate Educator | GOAL Mentor