Techgirls Competition

Over the past 12 weeks, 13 of our Year 7 and Year 9 girls have been taking part in the 2021 Techgirls Competition.


Every Tuesday and Thursday lunch, the girls have worked together in teams to develop an app that aims to solve a problem in their community. They have learnt how to code, produce a business plan and develop a working app, all whilst being guided by two female mentors who currently work in the STEM field. As part of their final submission, the girls will submit their final working app prototype and business plan, as well as a demo and pitch video.


Below is a description of the app each team has developed so far:


Team 1: – Amelia O’Shaughnessy, Anika Prajapati, Ayesha Greaves-Evans, Grace Galbraith, Mia Williams and Sofia Frigo

SafeMate: Our app, SafeMate, is designed to help women and minorities feel safer in their community by giving them access to statistics, a map tracking system and a platform to communicate with when they are feeling unsafe.


Team 2: Amelia Purton, Jade Mactier and Natalia Hordejuk

MyInjury: Myinjury is an app that helps anyone with many different injuries. Our app can find your injury and tell you what to do, how to strap/tape/fix your injury and even gives you a map of the body so that you can locate your injury quicker. Our app can help anyone, from someone who is playing sport to getting a concussion. It is so easy to use and I hope you like our app.


Team 3: Autumn Tapley, Chloe Chao, Faith Roberts and Mila Watson

Swap Shop: Swap Shop is an app that aims to make fashion more sustainable. When using Swap Shop, you can post pictures of your clothing and rent them out, sell them or trade them to people near you. Swap Shop makes sure clothing lasts for longer by using the same influence other clothing stores have on other people.


The final submission is on Friday 6 August. We wish our fantastic students all the best for their submission and congratulate them on their hard work - they have so much to be proud of!


Keep your eye out for their demo videos!


Ms Madeleine Hunter-Smith

BEST Teacher