From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we start this week, there is a sense of optimistic chatter in the media that the lockdown measures may be relaxed this week.  This is welcomed news for us all even though the extent of the easing of restrictions is not known as yet.  

From a school operational perspective, we are guided by the directions given through the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria’s (CECV) Schools Operations Guide.  We will patiently await these directions before making any further announcements about school activities.


The negative effects of the Lockdown on the well-being of students and families is present and real for many.  In my household, over the weekend the launch of the Tokyo Olympics provided a welcomed distraction from anything to do with Lockdown 5.0.  Some of the highlights from the opening ceremony for us included the “drone world display”, the pictogram sequence of the Olympic sports and the stadium fireworks.   


As an educator and parent, I encourage you to take these opportunities to lift up the positive messages and lessons created by the Olympics.  Within the Australian Team, there are many stories of inspiration, grit and determination.  The 7Plus Olympic App is a great source for the background stories for our Australian athletics.

Term 3 Level Letters

Each Year level has released the Term Three overview letter to families via Operoo email messaging. This letter gives year level specific information about the education program and activities for the term ahead.  If you haven't received a copy of your child’s level letter, please contact the office to update your contact details.

School Governance Update

This year, the way catholic primary schools (and some catholic secondary schools) are governed changed significantly.  Catholic schools are now part of not for profit company called Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools or MACS.

With the change of governance, comes a range of updated policies and procedures, many of which were already existing but now are in place under the new governance structure.

In 2021, catholic schools across the Archdiocese are undergoing a transitional implementation of the new systems and processes required as part of the governance structure.  Some of the updated or transitioned policies are available on the school website

As part of our compliance measures, an Annual Report of the School Community is produced and shared with the community.  The 2020 edition of this reporting is now available on the school website (Parents>Annual Report to the School Community).

Library Parent Helpers

Last Term, there was a fantastic response from parents volunteering their time to assist with the reshelving of our library.  Before we could act with this list of volunteers, the recent lockdown restrictions prevented the school from having parents onsite for this organised activity.

As we cautiously come out of lockdown over the coming weeks, I hope to contact the registered volunteers with some information about reshelving working bees in the library.

Thank you for your ongoing support and patience.

2022 Enrolment - Student Update

In anticipation of returning to onsite learning, the school office would like to notify parents and carers that the 2022 Re-enrolment form will be sent out via Operoo this week and the Student information form will be coming home with each child in the coming weeks.  Please return this form promptly, including any changes to contact and medical information.  This is a necessary process that assists with our school organisational planning whilst also keeping school records updated.  Thank you in anticipation.

Opportunities to explore Faith

Please take some time to explore the Parish Section of the newsletter.  There are several local opportunities to explore within our Parish that seek to gather and\or deepen faith connections within the community. 

World Day for Grandparents - Sunday, 25 July 2021

Sunday, 25 July 2021, has been designated by Pope Francis, as the First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly (Ord Time 17). It coincides with the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, grandparents of Jesus, on July 26.


Occurring in the Year of Amoris Laetitia Family 2021-22 with the theme, ‘I am with you always’, the day draws attention to the vital role grandparents and the elderly play in our communities and in the mission of the Church.


As a school community, we will have an opportunity to gather digitally in prayer as our Year One students lead us in a Grandparents' Day liturgy this week.  Click here to view.


Families are invited to pray the Prayer for Grandparents at home.  Please find it in the Religious Education News section of the newsletter.


For many, grandparents represent an important part of the support structure within families, and as a faith community, our Church honours this beautiful gift from God.


Finally, here are my four children (and their cousins) with their grandparents, 

Helen and Leo.  




God bless






Tom Wursthorn
