Around The Primary

Dear Parents,

Founders’ Time gives our community the opportunity to reflect on our three founders —Pope John XXIII, St Ignatius Loyola and Mary Ward. These three fine people have many attributes in common which helps us share their stories with our students. At the most fundamental level the commonality in their story is that all had a deep, unconditional love for Jesus and shared the good news of the gospel. They continue to inspire us with their faith, courage and wisdom.


This year we were blessed with glorious winter sunshine on John XXIII Day which enhanced all our activities throughout the day. The Primary students alongside the Secondary participated with reverence at the whole school Mass. They also demonstrated great school spirit at the mini-fete prepared by our Year 5 and 6 students. A big thank you to the myriad of staff and students involved in the preparation of the Mass; the fantastic and innovative fete stalls; and the various incursions. 

The combination of beautiful weather and a wonderful spirit of whole school participation made the day very enjoyable.


Kind regards,


Antoinette De Pinto

Head of Primary 

All About St John XXIII 

Did you know?


John XXIII was the Pope during the Rome Olympics in 1960. He took a very personal interest in the Games, talked to the athletes and also had a special memorial medal made for the competitors. On the medal is the stump of a tree, with fresh new shoots coming forth. For Pope John XXIII, the stump with new shoots represented the young athletes coming out of the death and destruction of World War II. Many of the athletes of the 1960 games would have been born during the war years. Enjoy the remainder of the Olympic Games!

Dates to Remember

Monday 9 AugustParents’ Association Meeting 7pm, Thomas More Exhibition Centre
Tuesday 10 AugustKindy Health Screening, Thomas More Exhibition Centre
Wednesday 11 August Year 5 & Year 6 Growth & Development Student Sessions
Thursday 12 AugustYear 3 - Year 6 IPSHA Cross Country Carnival, Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School
Friday 13 AugustPrimary Musical Dress Rehearsal 11am, Roncalli Hall 
Sunday 15 AugustFeast of the Assumption 

Please check the College Website to note all the important Primary school events for your family calendar.

Primary Sport

We had a fantastic Interhouse Cross Country Carnival last Friday.  In very windy and challenging conditions the efforts of all who took part were commendable.  


Good luck to all the runners who will be representing the College at the IPSHA Interschool Carnival in Bunbury on Thursday 12 August.


Congratulations to Koolyangarra who won the overall 2021 Interhouse Cross Country!

Koolyangarra450 points
St Louis438 points
Campion418 points
Loreto400 points
Loyola394 points
Ward340 points


Athletics is well underway with a great turn out to training through the week.  Year 3-6 students will be learning the different techniques and the Tuesday and Thursday training sessions (3:30pm-4:30pm on the Secondary oval) offer a great opportunity for students to further practice what they have learnt.  



Mr Steve Williams

Primary Sports Coodinator 


Primary Music

The Pre-Primary students have started their journey through Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals. The students enjoyed listening to the Royal March of the Lion, imagining scenarios to match what they heard, moving in time with the music, and following along on listening maps.  Students from all year groups may enjoy following along to this 

listening map. 


Primary Choirs:

Wanju Voices and Primary Singers are busy preparing for their performance at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival on Friday 27 August. Information will be sent out to parents next week regarding this event. With only two rehearsals to go, it is essential that all students are at both rehearsals. Please note the following dates for rehearsals over the next fortnight:


Wanju Voices

Week 4 - Monday 9 August 7:30am, Osborne Room 

Week 5 - Thursday 19 August 7:30am, Osborne Room


Primary Singers

Week 4 - Thursday 12 August 8am, Osborne Room

Week 5 - Monday 16 August 8am, Osborne Room


Changes have been made in week 5 due to the Year 4 Musical on Monday 16 August. 


If you have any queries regarding Primary music, please contact me via email


Mrs Catherine Haydon

Primary Music Teacher