
Take a deep breath.....

Self-care of ourselves and our loved ones

As we are plunged into yet another lockdown taking time to connect in with ourselves and our loved ones is crucial.

A very simple self-care strategy that can be done anywhere at any time is deep breathing.

Breathing deeply helps our nervous system to calm down. 

Each time we inhale deeply our heart slows down and our mind clears. It is a simple way to self soothe and practice self-care.


When children are feeling anxious, upset or overwhelmed we can teach them to inhale for 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds and then to exhale for 3 seconds. When it becomes part of their own soothing practice, they will have in their tool box for the remainder of their lives.

Do some silly things and have fun!

For adults and kids alike – grab a moment to create a silly drawing. 


Following on from Naidoc week

There are some ABC podcasts aimed at children. The wonderful Little Yarns connecting with country and first nations language is one example.




Some fun with Asian Elephants and a Didgeridoo!

Didgeridoo player, Allan McKenzie serenades two Asian Elephants, Irene and Alice at ABQ BioPark Zoo in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.





Take care,


Anne Lawry
