Term 3 Bulletin, Number 1
Term Three Commences
I trust that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday and took the opportunity to refresh their batteries in readiness for what is likely to be another hectic term ahead. Once again, the term has not started the way that anyone would have liked or predicted. With COVID-19 once again sending the state into lockdown.
This delayed commencement of the term has however, enabled us to undertake additional professional development which would have otherwise required many weeks to complete.
EALD Training
I would like to say a big thank you to staff for using the time during lockdown to undertake the online EALD Training. This was a massive effort as it is a significant and important piece of professional learning. Whist ideally it would have been preferable to undertake the course as a whole school, completing the training independently over a short period has enabled us all to get a clear understanding of the content and how it can inform improved practice moving forward. The intention is that we will now work collaboratively to revisit in more details the key components of the course moving forward, both in term four and again in 2022 as new staff join us at Murputja. Obviously gaining expertise in the EALD context is central to our collective professional practice. Can I suggest that you print off the completion certificate and also keep a signed hardcopy as this is a significant piece of PD which will contribute towards your professional learning hours required for teachers registration renewal.
RAAN Training
Another important piece of professional learning which we are all required to undertake is the update of RAAN Training. This training is accessed via PLINK and takes approximately 90 minutes. All staff are encouraged to complete this training as soon as practical.
Professional Develop Outline T3
Attached below is the Professional Develop Outline for Term 3.
As you will see from the outline, a significant focus of the schedule is on our SIP priorities of Reading and the Big Six of Reading. The overall intention of the professional development throughout term 3, is to strengthen staff’s understanding of the Australian Curriculum and the Big Six of Reading whilst also building the understanding, and use of, diagnostic assessments to inform the intentional teaching of reading and reading intervention. The learning will also centre on the assessment tools outlined in the draft assessment schedule attached below.
COVID-19 Impact on Planning & Events
As you know Term 3 is always an incredibly hectic time in any school and this term is going to be no different. However as we have come to expect, COVID-19 continues to impact significantly on planning and events.
Outlined below are the key events for T3 + T4 and arrangements as they currently stand. Obviously these arrangements can change at anytime...
Upcoming Events and Dates
Wk1... July 1st - 2nd Travel Days
Week 3... August 2nd - 4th LET Site Visit (Mark, Sue + Kerry)
Week 3... August 5th - 6th Leaders' Days (Mat + Joseph out)
Week 4... August 9th - 13th Sue and Thomas Visit to work with AEs
Week 4... August 10th SA Water Visiting
Week 4... August 12th Sports Day POSTPONED
Week 5... August 16th - 17th Berry Street training - Alice Springs
Week 5... August 18th - Berry Street Travel Day
Week 5... August 16th - 20th Classroom benches installation
Week 6... August 23rd - 24th External Review
Week 7... September 2nd - Support Services ( Kane Hillman + Kate Jones)
Week 9... September *** Ernabella Dance (UNDER REVIEW)
Week 10 September 23rd - 24th Travel Days
Wk1... October 11th Travel Day
Wk1... October 12th - 13th Anangu Lands Schools Conference
Wk1... October 14th - 15th - Travel Days
Wk6... November 11th - 12th Leaders' Days (Mat + Joseph out)
Wk8... December 3rd Christmas Party
Wk9... December 9th - 10th Travel Days
PAT Testing
All DfE students in years 3 to 10 are required to undertake PAT Reading Comprehension (PAT-R) and Maths (PAT-M) annually. This is set to occur in weeks 7-10 this term. Further information regarding PAT Testing will be shared closer to the time.
Site Improvement Plan 100 Day Action Plan
As you would recall, a significant part of our final staff meeting of Term 2 was the review of our Site Improvement Plan 100 Day Action Plan (as seen below). The review highlighted just the amazing amount of progress which we have made in just a ten week period!
As a result of this review I have drafted an updated 100 Day Plan which will inform our improvement efforts for the term ahead (and the remainder of 2022). This is in draft form currently. I ask that all teachers examine the attached draft document prior to our discussions at this week's staff meeting.
Whole School Timetable T3
As you will recall towards the end of T2 we developed a whole school timetable focused on providing intensive support to during our daily literacy block.
As discussed this carefully considered timetable will better enable the intensive and intentional teaching of literacy and numeracy which is critical to improving student learning outcomes. Our trial the attached timetable will run during weeks 1-5 of term 3 with adjustments made as necessary.
The key benefits of the timetable include:
- daily literacy & numeracy blocks
- additional in class support with 'all hands on deck' during literacy block
- daily 1:1 reading intervention support
- entry assessment processes for new students
- weekly collaborative planning options for staff
- implementation of The Arts (focused on the Dance Strand in T3) as a specialist NIT subject across the school
The intention is that Adam's morning block will be focused on providing additional 'in class support' during the literacy block. Then at 10:20am Adam will provide additional 1:1 reading intervention for students, with the intention being that he will work through providing additional reading support to every student throughout the course of the week.
This reading support will be in addition to the daily literacy block.
Can teachers please make sure that the timetable is printed and displayed in the classroom by the end of term.
Weekly AE Meetings
Weekly AE meetings have also been incorporated into the timetable as a result of the review of our 100 Day Action Plan. I will be meeting with AEs each Wednesday between 12:00pm and 12:30pm. This will be an important means of supporting both the AEs professional practice and site improvement.
Walk Throughs and Feedback
I would like to thank everyone for their positive feedback regarding the walk-through/feedback process which commenced last term. It is fantastic to have such a positive response to this work. Again, throughout term 3, my goal is to be in classrooms observing and supporting on a daily basis with the intention being to provide written feedback to teachers on a weekly basis. The intention of this feedback is always to provide a supportive, caring and collaborative feedback loop designed to promote self-reflection and the trial of new strategies and ideas.
Staff Norms Development
last term we begun the process of drafting 'agreed staff norms'.
Whilst it may seem 'a little pointless' developing agreed staff norms when we all get along and work together so well, documenting our Agreed Norms ensures that these 'valued behaviours' are embedded into our culture now and promoted as 'the way we operate at Murputja' as the staff make-up inevitably changes over time.
Attached below is a draft document which will be discussed and revised as necessary this week. Please feel free to share any feedback with me.
Student Learning Portfolio
As discussed over the past few weeks we have agreed to trial the use of 'Student Learning Portfolios' to support our reporting processes during Semester 2. Student Learning Portfolios will provide both students and parents regular work samples which highlight both the learning being undertaken within the classes, but more importantly the child's ongoing development of skills and abilities.
Attached below is a template which has been developed to ensure a consistent approach/format throughout the school.
Teachers are reminded to update the Student Learning Portfolio each week by adding a minimum of 2-3 work samples with the attached proforma which outlines the task, learning intention, success criteria and feedback/teacher's comment.
Toilet Block Installation
Unfortunately the toilet block installation has once again been delayed, this time due to the statewide COVID-19 lockdown. At this stage it is not clear when the building work will recommence. Let's keep our fingers ( and legs) crossed that it will be soon.
Cadbury Award Winner
Congratulations to Anthony, the winner of the staff 'Cadbury Award' for the final week of term 2. Anthony was nominated for his commitment (planning on Sunday's), for keeping an open mind to the teaching of reading and for 'Staying on the Lands'. Thanks Anthony!!