News From Around The School 

ANZAC Day 2022

We were proud to see such a strong number of Wee Waa High School students take part in this year’s local ANZAC parade. Our school has a long tradition of taking part in the march and it is wonderful to see students valuing the opportunity come together and mark such an important annual occasion. 

UNE University Experience Program 

Last week a group of Year 11 and 12 students travelled to Armidale to attend the UNE Open Day. Mr Kiely and Ms Blewitt accompanied the students on the overnight trip where they had the opportunity to stay onsite at Robb College.


The group participated in a variety of events including a tour of the Agriculture Glass House where they examined plants suffering nutrient deficiency, before being shown the state of the art equipment being used to monitor live stock on a large scale.


All students had a great time and learnt a lot about university life and the opportunities they have after high school. Mr Kiely and Ms Blewitt were extremely impressed with how all of the students conducted themselves and their reflection on Wee Waa High School.

Year 12 Timber Technology Major Works 

Year 12 timber technology students completed their HSC major work prototypes during Term 1 and are now in the final planning stages of preparing to commence their projects. Under the guidance of Ms Trevaskis, the four students will complete projects ranging from a TV stand, a floating bed, a traditional queen bed to an elaborate octagonal jewellery box.

Senior Citizens Lunch 

It is an tradition for WWHS students to volunteer at the annual Senior Citizens Week luncheon. This year was no exception. Our students always enjoy engaging with local senior citizens in attendance as they serve lunch. Photo credit, The Courier and Wee Waa News.




The BushBots Are Back 

Our Bush Bots robotics team did well at their first competition in three years. After a disrupted build season and many frustrations during the competition, they were thrilled to be awarded the Judge's Award. 


Team mentor, Mrs Jo Horne said; 'It was amazing to have our teams persistence and resilience noticed despite not being successful in gaining selection in an alliance for the finals. We are so proud of the team (and their mentors). Well done Bushbots!!


Their next competition will be held later this year and under the guidance of Mr Catt, Mr and Mrs Horne, Ms Taylor and former BushBot, Michael Horne, they are sure to be well prepared.

Doing It For Dolly 

Our School Representative Council (SRC) held their first awareness and fundraiser event for 2022, shining the light on the need to call-out bullying, while also raising funds to support the important work of the Dolly’s Dream Foundation.


Students wore blue, Dolly’s favourite colour, and the SRC prepared a delicious BBQ lunch accompanied by bright blue cupcakes. Congratulations to a very motivated SRC and an equally motivate SRC coordinator Ms Stephenie Blewitt.

New Merit App 

Wee Waa High's digital transformation continues to produce greater and greater efficiencies. One of the latest examples is our school merit system. This previously paper based system was cumbersome and not always easy for students to follow their progress.


Our Deputy Principal and resident tech wizard, Mr Eaton has transformed the merit system by creating an app using the Microsoft platform. Now it's fast and efficient for teachers to allocate merits and for students to track their progress. 


Mr Eaton explained; 'The 'one touch' system provides students with greater insight into how our merit system works and it's therefore even more motivational as students can easily see how they can achieve higher merit levels, they can self-redeem once they have achieved five merit awards in a subject for silver and later, a gold award'.

Life Skills 

Our Multi Category class has been cooking up a storm as part of their life skills lessons. Under the guidance of teacher, Ms Green and her assistant, Ms Gavan, they have been learning how to make meat pies, eggless donuts and many other dishes that are appealing and well suited to beginner cooks. 

Resilience Donut 

Helping students build resilience is a strength our Student Support Officer, Ms Raylene Slee has been working on with Year 8 boys this year. The program explores the strengths students have within and around them.


Ms Slee explained: ‘As we go through life, everyone meets tough times. People who can get through the tough times have resilience. Resilience is being able to bounce back when the tough times come. Some of the time you can do this by yourself, at other times you may need to use the strengths around you. This program will help our students find out which strengths they have, which they would like to have more of, and how to use their strengths to help them when they need it’.

Work Experience 

Work experience, it provides the perfect opportunity for students to explore career paths of interest. For school captain, Thomas Eldridge, his recent work experience with local company, JLC Electrical confirmed that an electrical apprenticeship is the ideal career for him.


Under the guidance of business owner, Mr Jamie Crutcher and colleagues, Thomas was able to gain exposure and experience working on large electrical systems at cotton gins around the district. Jamie said Thomas’ great attitude, ‘can do’ approach, enquiring mind and practical skills were the attributes needed to do well in this trade.

Hospitality Students Cook Up A Storm 

Last week our senior hospitality students had a productive practical lesson with TAFE teacher, Ms Joyce. The objective was to apply knowledge gained in the simple dishes, sandwich and non-alcoholic beverages units covered in recent weeks. On the menu were; croque madame sandwiches, golden syrup steamed puddings, iced chocolates and coffees and non alcoholic Moscow mules. Our appreciative front office team were treated to a delicious lunch of croque madame sandwiches.