The SAKG is always grateful to accept the following items:

Garden - shredded paper, newspaper, non-waxy cardboard boxes and fresh fruit/vegetable waste for our compost.

Items can be dropped in to the labelled bins at the compost area at the Hobart Rd carpark

Kitchen - Clean glass jars, labels removed

Home grown produce, especially lemons/limes and home laid eggs


We are very excited to welcome our Year 3 and 4 students to the SAKG program in 2022. 

SAKG kitchen & garden classes have started! 

This later start was necessary to finalise the appointment of our kitchen specialist, Penny Hayes. 

For the rest of the year, SAKG classes will start in week 2 of each term and run for 8 weeks.


A few points to note about the program.

  • The SAKG program is a community effort. All kitchen and garden classes require 5 volunteers for each session for the classes to run properly. Volunteer places in the kitchen and garden are open to parents, grandparents, family friends and community members. No experience is necessary and all are welcome.  
  •    Work in the kitchen and garden is undertaken by the students. Volunteers are required to supervise a small group, usually 4 or 5 students, and assist with the given task for the session. There is also an emphasis on safety with student use of tools and utensils.
  •  If you are unable to attend your session, please let us know in advance and please try to find another volunteer to replace you.
  • Parents will not always be able to work with their own children. We do our best to facilitate this, but it is not always possible.

For those of you who have not volunteered before, please note the following:

  • All volunteers need a Working With Children Check card. These are free for volunteer status and are valid for 5 years. Please make sure that the office has your WCC number and that you have signed a code of conduct form (also at the office). WCC can be applied for online and are processed at the post office.
  • All volunteers require a Proof of Vaccination certificate. A copy of this certificate will be kept in the office, so that volunteers will not be required to show the certificate each time they volunteer.
  • Masks are required to be worn indoors and hand washing required on arrival.  It is also strongly recommended that an RA test is completed on the day of volunteering

Please sign up on VolunteerSignup. 

Click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn't work) to go to the signup sheet: 





Please arrive 10 minutes before your session time begins. 

You will need to check in and out on Compass at the school reception prior to arriving at the SAKG building. 

This is an OHS requirement in case of evacuation.


Kitchen volunteers will be required to wear a mask while working in the kitchen, unless you have a medical exemption. It is advisable that you take a few minutes to check your given task for the session and the group you will be working with.

We look forward to working with you this year. 

If you have any further questions about volunteering or the SAKG program, please do not hesitate to contact either Penny or myself.


Penny Hayes  SAKG Kitchen Specialist      

Anna Malone SAKG Garden Specialist        



Butterfly House Project and Community Planting Bee


Last Thursday we were so thrilled to finally host the Butterfly House Project and Community Planting Bee in the SAKG. This project was originally planned for August, 2021, but had been postponed several times over the last 9 months. Our Year 3 students were joined by the Year 2 students to learn about biodiversity, butterflies and insect life cycles, as well as planting over 200 local plant species to provide habitat for our native caterpillars and butterflies. The importance of butterflies and other insects as pollinators is a lesson that is constantly reinforced in our SAKG Program, with planting done in our bush tucker garden, biodiversity garden and pollinating garden areas.


The four sessions were hosted by educator, gardener and performer, Dave Joseph, from Born in a Taxi theatre group and sponsored by the City of Glen Eira. The students were so engaged with the sessions and had so many questions. Dave also managed to incorporate some special garden tool juggling and balancing - a real treat! (Check Instagram @sakgfmurrumbeena). A huge thank you to Dave, the City of Glen Eira and all the wonderful parent volunteers who assisted with the planting.