
Saturday 21 May 


Call for donations for the Cake Stall on Election day Saturday 21 May.


Dear MPS Families.

MPS will be running a cake stall and sausage sizzle on Election Day at school. We know how talented many families (not just the kids) are at baking! It’s time to dust off that apron and roll up your sleeves and get baking! We hope our school families can help make this stall a success by baking cakes, loaves, cupcakes, slices, cookies, and other treats that we can sell to our local community. On election morning if you have time to bake also think about savoury items such as mini egg and bacon pies or muffins – these will sell very quickly! 

Please note we cannot accept items that contain raw eggs or requires refrigeration prior to consuming

Please provide your baked goods in a plastic container (marked with your name/ or child’s and child’s room number for identification) or on a disposable plate with your baking covered.

Donations for the cake stall can be dropped at:

  • The School office till 5pm on Friday 20  May or;
  • The bake sale stall located outside the hall  between 8am and 10am on the day of the election, Saturday, 21 May.

Our preference is to have goods delivered by Friday to allow ample time for volunteers to package and price stock. However we are happy to accept any donation as long as it is before 10am on Saturday. 


Please also complete the form attached and drop the form off with your culinary creation.  (Your personal details will not be provided to the buyer)Thank you in advance! 

Please contact Philippa Holland if you have any questionshollandpip@hotmail.com0424274268