School Wide Updates and Diary Dates

Upcoming Dates


Friday 13 May - Trivia Night - see below

Saturday 14 May - Working Bee

Tuesday 17 May - Open Morning for foundation enrolments 2023

Saturday 21 May - Election Day BBQ

Thursday 26 May - National Sorry Day

Monday 13 June - Queen's Birthday

Working Bee - May 14th 10.30am - 12pm

Dear parents and carers,


 Do your hobbies include digging, mulching and weeding? Then do we have a deal for you! Carlton North Primary School will be holding a Working Bee on Saturday 14th May from 10:30am - 12:30pm. They say that many hands make light work, and the more helpers we can get, the more we can get done!


 We are going to be:

 -replacing the soft fall (tanbark) around the playground areas in the school

- preparing the Indigenous garden for re-planting (turning soil and weeding. )

We'd love to have you along, even if it's only for half an hour.


 We are in short supply of the following equipment, so if you have spare, please bring along:-

- wheelbarrows

- pitchforks or anything used to turn soil

- shovels

- weeding tools

- BYO gardening gloves.

 We would love to see you there,


Kind regards,

Ben and Trish

Trivia Night - Friday 13 May

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Trivia Night on Friday Night. We do have a few tickets left if you would like to come!


When: Friday 13 May 6.00pm - 10.30pm

Where: 75 Reid St, Fitzroy North

Cost: $30 Per Ticket (Concession available )

Dress: Colourful

Tickets: Please purchase a single ticket or a full table (10 tickets) via the school office 

Contact: 03 9347 4822

BYO: Nibbles and drinks. Wine and beer and aperol will also be available to purchase at the bar. BYO GLASSES and coins for games



Late Arrival Sign-in/Absence Notification

A reminder to please sign your child in to the office if they arrive after the bell, or to put an absence note on Compass if they are not at school.  This needs to be done by 10am to avoid being sent a SMS notification that your child has an unexplained absence.  Each SMS costs the school a fee, and in March alone cost a total of $48.  We appreciate your understanding.

Compass Kiosk – fast, easy sign in and out

We have recently set up a Compass Kiosk on the office counter in the foyer.

When children are dropped off late or are collected early, parents can now log this at the Kiosk. It’s very simple, as those parents who have used it so far can attest.

You will now also be able to use the Kiosk to sign in as a Visitor for reading, etc.  You will need to wear a label for the time you are on site so that students and staff can recognise that you have been to the office. These will be left alongside the Kiosk for you to complete and attach once signed in.  Please remember to also sign out when leaving the school, as we use this information in case of emergency evacuation.



Term 2 Planner 2022