Life Beyond the Classroom 


The ability to reflect on and question what is happening in the world is one of humanity’s great strengths. Time spent together in Chapel each week allows consideration of topical questions, ranging from the refugee crisis, care of each other and the environment to the idea of one’s own mortality. Students are encouraged to remain ever mindful of their actions and how they impact on others. Chapel gives a time to come together in a sacred space to give thanks, seek perspective, and reiterate the importance of each person’s place in the All Saints’ College community. During this time everyone is encouraged to wonder about the possibilities of God and the hope that faith offers.


Combined with the Religion and Philosophy classes and the Life Skills Program, Chapel adds a spiritual dimension to the educational process. Students are given the opportunity to confirm their faith stance before a bishop of the Church. This will occur only if the student and their family wish to formalise their relationship with the Anglican Church of Australia’s faith community.

Outdoor Learning Program (OLP)

The Outdoor Learning Program aims to provide opportunities in the outdoor environment for students to develop confidence, to learn to deal with problems in a responsible and cooperative way, and to acquire new skills. The OLP is an important way for students to get to know staff and each other in a more relaxed setting. The social skills and learning that occur during this time can have a profound, lasting and positive effect on students. The OLP is important in our student wellbeing program, as well as having elements of the curriculum embedded within it.



Early in Term 1 each Year 7 class group spends two days and one night on their Team-Building Camp at the Manjedal Activity Centre at Byford. This program is designed to help the classroom teacher and students in the class get to know each other.


In 2023 the Year 7s’ extended OLP is in the last week of Term 3, and is based at Forest Edge Camp at Waroona. Students build on skills learnt from the Team Building experience, and enjoy a range of social and physical activities which are designed to challenge them and help them meet others in the year group.



Year 8 OLP will be held at Lane Poole Reserve, Dwellingup. Working in their House groups with their Head of House, students participate in interactive and adventure activities and do a short expedition. The Year 8 OLP is an exciting, challenging and worthwhile experience for all involved. It is held over five days and four nights in Term 2.

Service Learning

Service Learning at All Saints’ College is a journey in which students explore the ideals of service and engage their heads, hearts and hands in connecting to the world in ways which make a positive difference. As students make the transition from primary to secondary schooling, we focus on connecting their learning with their growing ability to empathise, and on guiding their natural areas of interest more directly to the needs that exist in the community, whether local, national or international. As they become more aware of the many issues with which they are able to engage, whether as advocates or through direct care, we seek to provide avenues through which they can actively support community needs and develop a personal connection.


Involvement in existing College initiatives is possible, as are opportunities for leadership through planning and running new activities; an example of this was the 'Mountains of Warmth' drive for The Salvation Army in 2019. As students move through the Transition years, they are encouraged to develop a broader view of the world and to develop their own voice, becoming confident and compassionate members of the community who are committed to worthwhile service to society.


All Saints’ College has a sporting program designed to cater for a broad range of interests and abilities. The main objectives are to foster participation, team spirit and a sense of fair play. Students gain many physical and social benefits from involvement in the program.




All Saints’ is a member school of the Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) competition, and students can compete at interschool level in Swimming (Term 1), Cross Country (Term 2) and Athletics (Term 3). Training for these carnivals is scheduled in the weeks leading up to the event and is open to all students, irrespective of ability level.


Years 7−10 Interhouse Sport is played on Thursdays during AMP. A variety of sports is offered during the interhouse fixtures; these are chosen to suit the age of the students and to allow maximum participation. Staff facilitate the matches, and Years 11 and 12 students act as coaches and umpires.


Additional sporting activities become available throughout the year, and students should seek them out when they are advertised on SEQTA or via email. Some of these include:

  • Lightning Carnivals
  • Interschool events 
  • Running Club with professional Running Coaches 
  • Swimming for fun and fitness
  • Football with J&J academy
  • Volleyball with Reds Volleyball Club
  • Badminton club


The ASC Community Sport program currently offers basketball, football, cricket and volleyball.


Students are urged to speak with their Physical Education teacher and/or the Senior School Sports Coordinator regarding their involvement in sporting activities. We encourage all students to participate in the interhouse sporting program and other team sports, as they provide a wonderful opportunity for a student to meet others, as well as a chance for staff to meet and get to know them.

Cocurricular Activities

A wide range of cocurricular activities is available for students. Details of these are published on MyASC under the Cocurricular tab and will vary from year to year, depending on staff expertise. Additional academic help is available after school in some Learning Areas. Extra academic help for Year 7s is available after school once a week. The dates and times are published on MyASC.


As well as interhouse sport, a range of other interhouse competitions, such as Chess and Debating, specifically tailored for Year 7 and 8 students is available. Heads of House will ask for volunteers for these teams at House Meetings.


The Arts offer many opportunities in Music, Dance and Drama. Each year The Arts Department produces a Transition Drama Performance, usually in Term 4. The aim is to immerse students in many aspects of performance, developing their appreciation of Drama and building their skills while working under the direction of students from later years. Music has instrumental and choral ensembles which specifically cater for Transition students. Older students take responsibility for choreographing and organising many of the cocurricular Dance groups. Music and Dance Concerts showcase the work of these groups, and regular Music recitals provide performance opportunities for soloists and ensembles at all levels.


We encourage students to participate in a variety of cocurricular activities, as it is our experience that this greatly enhances their transition into the Senior School. This can help to widen friendship groups and can provide support and extension where needed, enabling students to develop their confidence in group settings.

Individual Music Lessons 

The Music noticeboard is in the Music Department corridor (G Block). Here students will find their lesson times and any changes to these.


It is the responsibility of the student to arrive at individual Music lessons on time. They must get a permission slip from Student Services to excuse themselves from class and to return to class.


If the student has a test or other activity that prevents them from going to the lesson, they must organise a swap well before the day of the lesson. They can seek the assistance of their Music Tutor or Music Administration to do this.