Math matters

Math Matters

Family budgets and bills can be a source of household stress. Modelling financial numeracy with children and explaining why you make certain budgetary choices can establish sound financial decision making in our students.


Financial Arithmetic is a major focus of our 7-10 curriculum with extension topics undertaken in VCAL numeracy and VCE General Mathematics.  In the junior levels students study topics such as best buys, percentage discounts and increases and profits and loss. By Year 10 students are looking at wages, calculating taxes, budgeting, percentage profits and Simple and compound interest. 


You can continue to build your students financial literacy by discussing some of the household financial decisions.


For example:

  • Bills are a good source of graphs, charts and data - encourage your student to interpret these graphical displays of information
  • You may want to discuss the proportion of the household weekly wage that goes towards each bill
  • You may like to discuss the monthly budget
  • Assist with the creation of their own weekly budget based around their pocket money or part-time job earnings