Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

Parish Bulletin


Prayer is a key feature of our Religious Education Inquiry this term but also remains a significant feature of our everyday lives at St Therese's. 


In our diocese's Religious Education Curriculum To Live in Christ Jesus, Christian Prayer & Liturgy, it states the following importance about prayer:

'Prayer is a conversation with God. It includes a prior awareness in which people listen to the stirrings of the voice of God who speaks to them through the Holy Spirit. God is present in the world and in a person’s deepest self through the gift of the Holy Spirit, and when people pray, they turn to that loving presence to deepen their communion with God, and to allow God to work all the more in them. The ways of prayer are many and reflect the varied circumstances and dimensions of a person’s relationship with God.'



The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered this term for Year 3 students and any older students wishing to receive the Sacrament. The Information and Parent Workshops are scheduled for Wednesday 8th and 15th February at 7p.m at St Agatha's Church.


Sacramental Timetable 2023

Please find attached, the Sacramental Timetable for 2023. Please check this to forward plan for the Sacraments Reconciliation, First Eucharist & Confirmation your child/ren may be receiving in 2023.

Remain prayerful and courageous.

Michelle Hinds