Deputy Principal

Michelle Hinds

Welcome back

It was wonderful to see all the students and their families enter the school grounds yesterday, especially our new Foundation students, who have settled in so well to life at St Therese's already. So many excited and smiling faces. What a wonderful vocation we are privileged to be a part of.


We have many great things planned for 2023 and I look forward to meeting with families as the year progresses.


With the new year comes the opportunity again for parents and carers to join volunteer opportunities at our school, commencing with our Whole School Athletics Day. Volunteer Induction Workshops will be held on the following dates, so I encourage you to come along if you did not attend one last year. The Volunteer Workshops only need to be completed every two years and you must retain a current Working with Children's Check to apply as a volunteer. Please bring this along when you attend the workshop.

  • Wednesday 8th February at 9a.m
  • Thursday 9th February at 2:30p.m
  • Tuesday 14th February at 9a.m
  • Monday 20th February at 2:30p.m


Just a reminder that the Senior Camp to Candlebark Farm will be held on Wednesday 29th -31st March 2023 at Candlebark Farm in Healesville. A Parent Information Meeting will be held on Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 6p.m. Please place this into your diaries.


Further camp information will be sent to families soon via PAM so please keep checking for this.

Playground Project

It's finally here!! What a buzz this created yesterday! The Project Team is to be congratulated for their hard work and dedication for getting this project off the ground, both literally and metaphorically.  I am sure you would agree that it looks fabulous. Their student voice was really heard around the school last year and they can witness the fruits of their hard work. Thanks go to Harmony, Joseph,  Jared, Chantelle, Lourdes, Aziz and past students Justine, Delvin and Ekant as well as Miss Foster.


If you haven't already seen the playground, I invite you to come on in a have a look. I especially love our school motto that is a bespoke feature of the playground.


Shade sails will be the next addition to this play area for which we hope to secure some funding allowing for installation.



Surplus furniture

We have lots of surplus furniture that we are giving away. If you would like to pick up any desks or chairs, free of charge, please contact me.


At St Therese's, we continue to strive for excellence and improvement for both our staff and students. It is staff dedication that assist your children to learn best. Congratulations goes to Rosie Osthmuller, Rosina Chandra and Jackie Bishop for completing their Master of Evidence Based Practice. At St Therese's we pride ourselves in delivering the best possible practice and this is delivered through learning and teaching together.


Working in partnership

Michelle Hinds