Deputy Principal Update

Dear Families,


Welcome to Summer – finally. The weather is still very changeable at the moment but it has been nice to have some warmer weather and sunny starts to the day. It certainly lifts the spirits, especially at this busy time of the year.



A huge congratulations to Liam Summers (5/6LT) on his recent success at the National Taekwondo Championships held in Bendigo last weekend. Liam competed in the Poomsea 12-14 age Group. He won the Silver Medal for this division. This follows on from other Taekwondo successes earlier in the year. Well done Liam on this fantastic achievement – look out Brisbane in 2032, a future champion in the making!!

Foundation Second Transition Session – Wednesday 30th:

It was great to have our Foundation 2023 students visit us last Wednesday for their second transition session at school.  The children came in with big smiles on their faces and loved spending time with their teachers and one another. Again I was lucky enough to take my guitar across and spend some time singing songs with the children. Thanks again to Miss Levesque and Mrs Small for taking such great care of the children. We look forward to seeing all the children at our final transition session on Tuesday 13th December, from 11:45am – 1:45pm.


Lost Property:

Last call for lost property – there are still some items in lost property needing to return home. If you are missing lunch containers, school uniform, hats or other items, can you please remind your child/ren to check here for them.


Library News:

A big thank you to everyone for going on the search for unreturned library books.  We have been able to reduce the missing number from 330 to 134. It's still not great but much improved.  A BIG congratulations to Ms Walker's class who had the least books missing...1. Wouldn't it be great if next year we could have classes with 0. Please continue to look for any library books that may be school property during the holidays. It's never too late to return them.


Take Home Readers:

Following on from library news, if you discover any of our school’s take home readers at home over the coming days, could you please send them back to school. This will help us re-stock our boxes for next year. I am waiting for a new order of readers to arrive – they will be ready for the beginning of the 2023 year. Thank you again to the Community Group for their generous support of funds to update these. 


Italian Day:

Friday 25th November was Italian Day at school. The weather was perfect and the children looked great dressed in an assortment of red, white and green outfits. The day started with prayer in the stadium followed by dancing a traditional Italian dance, the Tarantella. The dance has an interesting story of origin – ask your child/ren to see if they remember. Something to do with spider venom!! The children then worked in their classrooms completing a variety of activities that linked to the Italian culture. After this it was time for the anticipated students v’s staff soccer match. Congratulations to the students on their victory! Finally, we finished the day with some sorbet and gelato. A huge thankyou to Mrs Niglia for all her preparation for the day – it took many hours to prepare however was a great success!! 

Foundation Calendar:

Over the last couple of years, the Foundation children have taken part in helping to produce a calendar for our school. This year we have created a similar calendar to be given to families for 2023. The theme of this year’s calendar is slightly different - an opportunity to celebrate the learning that takes place for the Foundation children at school.  We have produced just enough calendars for one per-family. It’s currently under print – hopefully it will be ready for next week. (If not, it will be sent home at the beginning of 2023.) 


Finally, A huge thank you to all our families who make St Luke’s such a special place to be. I wish everyone a truly blessed and joyful Christmas spent with family and friends. Have a safe and happy holiday break and I look forward to seeing everyone in 2023. 

Kind regards.

Tony Mc.