Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

As we enter the last few days of the school year I urge the students to enjoy each others company, but still remember that they must respect our school rules and expectations. This is a great time of the year and the staff love finishing off in a positive mindset.


We had our final community group meeting Tuesday night. The staff are so grateful to all parents who help out at any number of events and visit our school throughout the year. Here are a few:

Bunnings BBQs, soccer/netball coaching & canteen, last day bbq, hot dogs and disco day, Shrove Tuesday, attending mass, visiting classrooms, coffee catch ups, social evenings, sporting events and assembly.


Each year we say how busy it was.  Life is busy for everyone. This year has been amazing! The children make it amazing for us. Teachers thrive on growth and we thank the children for doing their best. 


School Grounds

Our grounds are looking wonderful. The students are now sitting on the grass outside the auditorium, the north end of the building near 1/2 Jondahl and along the east side fence. The posts to the second stage of the shade sails  are in and we hope to see the sails up next week. The Community Group (families) contributed $30,000, State Grant $25,000, School Budget $7,000.


New & Returning Staff 2023

Tim Kelly joins us after 7 years at St. Brendan's Shepparton. Before that he was a teacher at Notre Dame College. Tim has experience across most year levels and has held leadership roles at his previous schools. Tim and his family are members of the St. Mel's parish. We welcome Tim, Cassie his wife and three young children. 

Alex Hazelman-Wooden return after a year in Darwin/ Alex took a year leave without pay. 

Jess Johnson returns from maternity leave on a part-time.


Farewell & Thank you

Gabriella Mercuri joined us nearly 7 years ago as a graduate teacher. She taught Italian and Year 3/4. We have seen Gabriella grow into a fine educator. St Luke's has benefitted from her qualities as an educator and wonderful person. I am so pleased that she heads off to St. Joseph's Nagambie and joins a good friend of mine, Maree Findlay. I am excited for Maree and their school community. 

Jacqui Butler leaves after two years in a part-time role. Jacqui has been flexible with whatever has been offered and I thank her. We wish her all the best.

Lisa Ewer has been with us in a part-time and casual relief teacher role. Lisa took on a role new to St. Luke's. Science as a specialist while having to be flexible with the learning environment or lack of it. I thank her for her efforts. We wish her all the best for 2023. 

Maddison Hall leave us after 3 years as a Learning Support Officer. She was on leave without pay for 2022 and worked at Verney Road. We wish her all the best for 2023. 

Alexa Mori has been with us over the last two years as a Learning Support Officer. Her quiet and gentle nature has been a strength in the way she supports children. We wish her every success as she takes on a teaching role at St Anne's in 2023.


Whole School Orientation

Tuesday 13th at 11:45am. The students will go to their new classroom and meet their teacher and peers. The students will bring home a note with some details on it and a map showing what classroom they are in. We have missed these events in the past few years so we look forward to it. For those families away, an email will be sent at some stage.


School Fees 2022 REMINDER

Thank you to those who have paid up school fees for 2022.We have$$ outstanding and we hope that most families will finalise fees by Thursday 15th December. Families will be receiving individual reminders and letters. 


Student Performs

Liam Summers was an outstanding performer at Thai Kwon Do last week. See Mr NcDonalds story.


Before School Care

Unfortunately, there were only 10 responses to the survey. We will attempt another survey in 2023.


End of Year Mass, Whole School Orientation & Year 6 Orientation Meeting

A reminder that both events are on Tuesday 13th December. Mass is at 6:00pm at Sacred Heart Church, Knight Street. An invitation was sent home with the eldest in the family.


On Monday 12th December many of the Year Six students and their parents are required at a transition meeting for Year 7 NDC, 2023. All Year Six will be returning from their Big Day Out and the bus will drop the students at NDC, Skene Street and they can meet parents there. Those not attending NDC will come back to St. Luke's unless other arrangements are made with their families to drop them off at Skene Street as well. 


Start of 2023

Students begin on Monday 30th January. We will be holding information evenings for all levels starting at 6:00pm during this first week. This is for parents/carers only.

Monday 30th January: 1/2

Tuesday 31st January: Foundation

Wednesday 1st February: 3/4

Thursday 2nd February: 5/6


Have a lovely weekend and Merry Christmas.

David Keenan.
