Principal's Report 

Dear St A's Community,


It was so lovely to see our community come together last night for the Christmas Extravaganza!  The students were amazing and worked very hard to put on a performance for their families to enjoy.  A big thankyou to Mrs PL for putting the show together and Mrs Jacinta Martin for organising everything!  It was a great night and we were so lucky the rain held off!


Today our students participated in their second transition session.  Prior to these sessions students selected 3 friends that they could be potentially mixed with.  In selecting the class lists a number of factors come into and all students will have at least one chosen friend from their list.   The students will go into their final transition session next Friday. 

2023 Staffing

Prep Teachers

Regine DelCastillo

Vanessa Mastramico


Grade 1 Teachers

Rebecca Bishop & Tess Damon

Natalie Nieuwoudt


Grade 2 Teachers

Nicola  Cust

Bella Chaundy


Grade 3/4 Teachers

Ben Louis & Rubin Thomas

Felicity Wallace

Kate Trickey

Shenel Vydelingum


Grade 5/6 Teachers

Chrissie Ritchie & Jack Butland

Michael Todd

Monique Kay

Dee Mellor & TBC


Specialist Teachers

Italian: Signora Castello

Music: Pia Linder-Coley

Performing Arts: Abby Stone

Physical Education- Jack Butland

Kitchen - Colleen Slattery

Garden - Sandy Lindfield

Art - Mary Zappia


Farewells for 2022:

We would like to farewell Mrs. Danielle Lumley.  Danielle Lumley is relocating with her family to Sale.  Danielle has taken up a teaching position at a local state primary school in Sale.  We thank Danielle for her dedicated approach to the prep students in her care and wish her all the best as she embarks on a new challenge - new school, new home and new location.


Kylie Edgar is leaving St A’s and is moving into the disability field. She will be working directly with families in need and will assist families to help support their children with additional needs.  We thank Kylie for her hard work throughout the year and wish her all the best as she embarks on a new profession.


Sarah Dean will also be leaving St A’s.  Sarah was working as an LSO with our ATSI students on a Friday.  Sarah was studying teaching and has now qualified.  Due to her family circumstances, Sarah will embark on Emergency Teaching closer to her home.  We thank Sarah for her valued contribution and support to the students in her care.


Welcome in 2023:

Carly Hunter:  Carly will join the LSO team.  She is a familiar face to many as she works at the Before and After School care program.  Carly is also studying teaching and will join the prep team.


Kelly James:  Kelly has been working at St A’s for the latter part of Term 4 as an LSO.  She will continue her employment next year in the prep team.  


Vanessa Mastramico - We welcome Vanessa to the St A's teaching team.  Vanessa is relocating with her family to the peninsular  as part of a sea change.  Vanessa brings great experience and enthusiasm and will be a valued addition to the prep teaching team.  


A special achievement!

It is with great pleasure that I let the community know that one of our Grade 6 students Isabella Visser this week received a monetary contribution to her secondary school fees from the Northern Peninsula  Branch of the Knights of the Southern Cross.


Isabelle was chosen for the following reasons:


Isabelle regularly demonstrates a Catholic approach to her school life, particularly in her role as our 2022 Murrnalong House Leader. She is a dedicated leader, meeting not only the daily requirements of her leadership role, but enthusiastically takes part in any additional tasks required. Isabelle also understands the importance of being an ‘advocate’ and helping others, regularly assisting peers in times of need. She consistently shows kindness towards others, including her teachers, and is regularly commented upon as being a well-mannered, generous and helpful student by members of staff across the school. Isabelle is committed to her learning and strives to achieve growth in all areas. We have great confidence that Isabelle will continue to demonstrate and inspire this kind of Catholic attitude as she progresses to high school next year.


A big congratulations to Isabella!!!




I would like to take this opportunity in this last edition of the newsletter to wish all of our school families a very blessed Christmas and may the joy of the season bring happiness to you all.


I look forward to ending the academic school year with the Colour Fun run and of course our Grade 6 Graduation.


Take care and God Bless

Carrie Rodda
